Chapter 29: Warning

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Elizabeth's POV

"Wait a minute, you thought my name was Nathan?" Niall dramatically gasps as we reminisce The Bonding ceremony.

We're sitting on the floor at the gym along with Sam, doing basic warm ups. Well, he is, Sam and I are just pretending, occasionally rolling our heads and spreading our arms, doing a very sloppy job, but Niall seems to be oblivious to all that.

"Remember when Louis was calling you Neil for six months?" Harry suddenly says, his lips pulling up in a smirk.

Niall frowns. "Remember when Louis was calling you Harold for a year?" He retorts and Harry's smirk fades.

"Ooh." Sam laughs, looking at Harry. "I might start calling you that from now on."

Harry huffs, rolling his eyes. "You don't want to get on my bad side, Samantha."

"You know he's serious when he starts using full names." Niall raises his hands. "Wait, is he still calling you Elizabeth?" He turns to me.

I nod, smiling widely. "All the time."

"That sounds so posh to be honest," Sam comments quietly.

Harry shoots her a glare, shifting it between Niall and her. "Barbie one and Barbie two, feel free to leave at any time."

"Don't be rude," Sam says, shaking her head. "Also remember, it takes more muscles to frown than it takes to smile."

"It's like telling rain not to fall," Niall says, grinning widely.

Harry rolls his eyes. "Sooo funny."

Niall and Harry start bickering, with Harry mimicking Niall's cheerful voice and Niall mimicking his stern blank expressions. I tune out when Sam nudges my side. "I see everything's okay now."

"What do you mean?"

"Between the two of you," she says. "The last time I saw you together it looked like you two won't last a day longer in the same house, but now..."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I smile softly while glancing at Harry. "He's even opened up a bit to me, I mean he even smiles more often- which is a big deal and oh, he rolls his eyes less than ten times a day, I counted. I like how things are at the moment."

Sam smiles, pinching my cheek. "Aw, I actually think you two are cute with your little fights. I imagine the sex is great after them."

"Right." I look around, avoiding eye contact with her.

Sam stares at me for a few moments before raising her eyebrows. "Oh, I'm sorry, I see you two haven't slept-"

"That's none of your business, stay away from our private things," Harry suddenly warns her and moves his glare at me. I wasn't aware he was listening.

"Excuse you, speaking of private, we have a private girl talk here," Sam says in a slightly irritated tone, raising her palm at him.

"Okay, I like drama but let's not start any now, okay?" Niall cuts in.

"I'm just going to run," Harry mumbles and turns around, quickly marching away from us.

"Lucky you," Sam sarcastically says. "He's amazing."

"He just doesn't like it when someone mentions something he considers personal," I say. "He'll come back soon, it usually doesn't take him too long to cool off."

"Look at you, you're like Harry-pedia," Niall jokes.

I laugh, tucking the strands of my hair behind my ear. "I know only what he showed me, but I'm sure you know that already."

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