Chapter 51: Choice

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Elizabeth's POV

I've made a few promises to myself over the past three years. I promised myself I won't let anyone tell me something is impossible and make me feel like my opinion is wrong. I promised myself I will always stand up for what I believe in. And most importantly, I promised myself I won't trust easily again. Harry managed to sneak into my heart and gain control over me without me even realising it. I became vulnerable again and I don't like myself when I'm that way. He lied to me and used me for his benefit and I can't find it in me to forgive him right now, so the only option I have is to leave. No matter how much it hurts, I feel like that's the best I can do for myself.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Zayn asks me for the tenth time, clearly disappointed in me.

"Yes," I respond. "Thank you for calling my father and for helping me with this. You're a good friend."

He sighs. "I still think you should stay. We're up against your brother as well, there still might be a chance he'll change his mind if he sees you're on our side--"

"No, Zayn," I protest. "It won't happen, he's changed too much. The old Daniel would never do what he did to me. Besides, all of you have made your own choices and I've been a pawn with an illusion of a choice. That stops today. I want to get away, I want to be with my family."

"I understand that, but all the people in the hideout are just like you. There aren't many of them and it hadn't been easy to track them down, but they are there and they're willing to help. We're all a team, even a family. If you stay, you'll be surrounded by people who understand you."

"I've made my decision but thank you. We've been told what to do for far too long and I'm thrilled I get to choose what I want now," I manage a smile.

"What about Harry?"

"What about him?" The ache in my chest I've been trying to get rid of ever since we left is only growing stronger with each second.

"Don't you think he deserves a proper goodbye?"

"We had our goodbye."

"So, you told him you're leaving?"

"Look, Zayn, I know he's your friend and you want what's best for him, but could you at least try to understand me? He'll be fine. He can now finally get what he wants without me being a distraction," I frown, looking away.

Zayn sighs. "I just don't think you're being fair to him, I thought you two had something."

"I thought so, too," I reply quietly.

He opens his mouth to say something but gets interrupted when he notices my father's car stopping a few meters away from us. Zayn drove me himself to make sure no one finds out the location of their hideout.

"I have to go," I tell him. "Don't forget to give him the notebook back, please."

He sighs heavily and nods, leaning over the console to wrap his arms around my shoulders. "I'm sorry it had to end this way, I was hoping for a different outcome."

"I'm sorry, too," I pull away. "Thank you for everything, Zayn," I give him a smile and I'm glad to see him smile back.

. . . .

"I have to say, I really expected you to stay with Harry," Dad says after minutes of silence.

"I wanted to come with you," I reply stiffly, wanting to change the topic.

"I'm glad you've chosen to come, but I wouldn't mind if you stayed honestly."

"You threatened him with a gun the last time you talked to him, and now you want me to stay with him?" I frown.

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