Thank you

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So, now that Detached is marked as completed, I thought I should write my final note and answer some of your questions. 

So *clears throat* thank you so much for giving this book a ch(o)ance and reading all the way to the end! I'm incredibly humbled and grateful for all your support. I never thought the book would get as many reads as it did (especially since it's my first book), and I'm thankful to each of you. This has truly been an amazing experience. xx

Is there going to be a sequel? 

No. Beth and Harry's story ends with the epilogue where they start a new life together because they wanted to, it was their choice, not something forced upon them. I think it's a good ending and they deserved it after everything they've been through. The whole point of their story was them accepting each other and coming to terms with their feelings (cough, Harry, cough), and eventually falling in love.

What's your favourite chapter?

Damn, that's a tough one. Probably the one where Harry finally tells Beth he loves her because it was such an important part of the book and it really showed how much he has developed as a character. 

Favourite character and why? 

I love all of my characters except Gerald and Andrew, fook them lmao. But if I have to choose one, it's Harry. He's the one that has evolved so much throughout the book and now that I look back at the first few chapters it's amazing how much he's changed and how he finally embraced his feelings after struggling with them for so long. 

Did you plan this ending? Or was it more like spontaneous?

If we're talking about the last chapter, the answer is no. I got that idea halfway through the book, I wanted a happy ending when I first started it, but then it just didn't quite fit. The epilogue wasn't planned either, but I knew I wanted them to be together at the end.

Did you plan your story?

I planned almost every single major event, from Jenna being alive, over Beth's 'death', Sarah dying, but I thought of the rest while writing.
I think it's important that every move the character makes or that every death has a purpose in the story. For an instance, I made everyone think Beth is dead because Harry would never realise what he truly feels otherwise, he was such a complex character and if it weren't for that, who knows if he would ever tell her he loves her. It was a classic "you don't know what you've got until it's gone" situation, I didn't do it for the sake of unnecessary drama like some people thought. It had a purpose.

Where did this idea come from?

I literally have no idea, I vaguely remember it was like 3 am when I got it and I couldn't sleep, and in my sleepy state I took my phone and wrote it down so I don't forget it and voila

Which character do you relate to the most?

Hm, every character has one part of me in them, one of my traits so it's not really possible for me to say. All I know is that I wouldn't be able to be a part of their world because even though I like drama, I don't like to be a part of it and there's some involved with every character lmao 

Was it hard for you to get into a complex mind, such as Harry's character?

Surprisingly, no. I mean, there were times when I struggled to interpret his character so it can be as realistic as possible, but I had a clear image of his personality in my head, so when I was writing in Harry's pov, I was Harry (in a non creepy way lmao)

Hey, I was wondering how would you name Louis's baby :D

Lmao, definitely Sarah for a girl and probably Zayn for a boy because #Zouis ;)

Are you planning to write another book? if yes, will it be a Harry fanfic?

ha, you guessed it ;) as the matter of fact, I posted the prologue of my new h.s fanfic Wild Side. It's also a dystopian one, but very different than this one, so if you're interested, go on my profile and check it out!

Peace out and all the love x

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