Chapter 35: Secrets

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Elizabeth's POV

"Where are we going?" I ask Daniel as he starts his car.

"Just away from here," he says, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I've missed you," I admit quietly, looking down at my clasped hands.

"Cut the crap," he suddenly says. "We won't be doing any sibling bonding or whatever."

I keep a straight face even though his words hurt me. I do understand why is he so mad at me, I can't forgive myself for my stupid mistake, either.

"Alright, can I ask you-"

"No," he interrupts. "I will be the one asking questions and you'll answer them."

"But I thought you will tell me why are you involved with those people," I counter.

"I might if you answer my questions," he glances at me.

"Why are you like this? Why can't you forgive me?"

His grip on the steering wheel tightens, his jaw clenching. "Because I asked you to keep one secret for me and you fucking couldn't do it."

I gulp as the unpleasant memories flood my mind. I wish I could get back in time and fix that. He would still be alive.

"I didn't mean to do it," I say quietly, fumbling with my fingers nervously. "You never even let me explain-"

"Of course, you didn't," he laughs humourlessly. "You didn't mean to meddle in my business but you did. You didn't mean to bring everyone's attention to me, but you did," he glares at me. "You fucked up everything."

I stay silent because I know he's right. But everything I did was to help him, he didn't even realise what was he doing to himself. I never meant for things to take a drastic turn and ruin my relation with him.

"So, in short, I'm still pissed at you and that won't change," he continues. "I should actually thank you now that I think about it. Because of my transfer, I got better opportunities with people that actually appreciate me."

"And by people you mean Gerald?" I ask harshly. "Whatever he told you, it's a lie, Dan. Do you even know what he does to people?"

He rolls his eyes and pulls to the side of the road. It's significantly darker than it was when Harry and I arrived at the party, so I can't really determine where we are.

"Now listen," he turns to me, looking straight into my eyes. "You're gonna tell me everything. Everything Harry Styles and his little friends are planning to do. And don't even try to lie to me, I'll know if you do."

I almost laugh. "I actually don't know anything."

I've never been more grateful to Harry and everyone else for keeping things from me. I guess they knew something like this might happen, that's why Sarah has started to train me and that's why Niall warned me the less I know is the better.


"I really don't," I say. "Why don't you tell me what are Gerald and the rest planning, hm? They're the villains here, not us."

"Do you really think I'm that stupid? That Zayn guy has been bugging me for months, he can consider himself lucky he's alive. Especially after what he did tonight. I didn't say anything because of you," he points at me. "I won't be that kind next time. Zayn and the other one, what's his name...ah, Liam! They tried to contact me many times and I know they're up to something, I just don't know what. We're all well aware of that."

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