Chapter 64: Broken

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Harry's POV

It's her, it's Beth.

She's lying on the table motionless, pale, lifeless.

Everything hurts.

I stand still for a few moments before dropping to my knees. "No, no, no," I shake my head. "I'm sorry, Beth, I'm so sorry..." I whisper, more tears slipping from my eyes.

I don't know why am I apologising. Maybe because it's my fault she's gone. Maybe because she never heard from me what she deserved. Maybe because she won't have the future I'd promised her. The pain is tearing me apart.

I run my fingers through my hair and stand up. Zayn calls after me as I leave the lab, placing one of my palms flat against the wall while the other one covers my mouth.

This isn't real.

I punch the wall.

She's not dead, she can't be.

"Don't you dare, Beth!" I yell, throwing another punch. "Don't you dare! You promised me!" I choke out, inhaling shaky breaths. "You promised me our story won't end like this!"

I start hyperventilating, falling down to my knees again. I never knew pain like this could exist, I never knew I'm capable of feeling like this. I can't deal with this, I don't have enough strength.

I block out everything and everyone around me, unable to focus on anything but my pain. I clutch my head, letting it all out, desperately wanting to get rid of the pain.

Suddenly I remember the vials in my pocket. One dose and I wouldn't feel a thing. I don't want to feel like this, I don't want to feel.

"Harry..." I hear Niall's voice laced with sadness, feeling his hand on my shoulder.

I jerk my shoulder, angrily pushing myself to my feet. I look behind me, seeing Niall and Sam standing there with mournful expressions. I can't determine what I'm feeling in this moment. Is it sadness, anger, disbelief, desperation? It feels like I'm caught in a swirl of emotions and it's tearing me apart.

Liam storms out, his tear stained face contorted in pure anger. Zayn is trying to stop him, but he pushes him away, pacing down the hallway. I wipe away my tears and pace after him, my hand clamping his shoulder. He grabs my wrist and removes my hand harshly, turning to face me. "Do not try to stop me, Harry. Get out of my way."

"I'm not trying to stop you," I say. "I'm coming with you."

"Wait! Harry, Liam, I get that you're hurting, but you can't make any hasty decisions in this state," Zayn says, looking at me. "Did you manage to get the sample? The others have been destroyed."

I clench my jaw, pulling out two vials from my pocket. I march to him, grabbing his wrist and placing them on his palm. "This is all you care about, isn't it?!" I snap, pushing him away. "Take them and enjoy. This is what your fucking plan lead us to!" I motion toward the lab. "Where the hell were you when all of that was happening?!"

"Don't you think I would've stopped it if I could?!" He yells, tears in his eyes. "I--I tried... If I'd come one minute earlier, I would've--I didn't..."

"I don't care about your excuses!" Liam harshly exclaims. "You couldn't have stopped it, but I will stop them. There's no mercy left anymore. I'll kill them all for what they've done," he threatens before turning around and leaving.

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