Chapter 63: Fear

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Harry's POV

Beth's okay.
Niall's okay.
Calm down, Harry.

I've been chanting the same for what feels like hours, but it's been barely a few minutes. Beth's words sounded like a goodbye and I feel the bile rising in my throat at the thought.

I pound my fists against the glass doors, shouting, hoping someone will come. The sedative has almost completely worn off, my strength almost regained. I frown as I see my father walking toward me, a couple of guards following him. I reach for my gun, but then realise I don't have one. I grit my teeth as I watch him unlock the doors. The guards are the first ones to enter and grip my arms, preventing me from lunging at him. It's five of them against only me.

"Hello, son."

"What the hell do you want from me?" I ask, glaring at him.

"I knew this will happen," he says, sighing. "I knew you'll come here and expose yourself to unnecessary danger. Seriously, Harry, did you really think you can stop us? I told you to give up while you can, but you decided to disobey me, and now your friends will pay the price. That could've been avoided."

I gulp, the weight on my chest increasing. "Don't you dare. Don't you dare touch any of them."

"And what can you do about it? Too bad, though. They would've been valuable," he shakes his head. "The ones we caught are being injected right now," he glances down at his wrist watch. "No, wait, my bad. It should be done by now."

I want to scream and yell, but nothing comes out. "Why are you doing this? To them, to me?"

"Because I like order and discipline," he says. "You are opposing those two and have to be stopped. I always win, Harry."

It's only now that I notice a syringe in his hand and the guards tighten their grips on me. "I'm going to fix you, son."

My face pales, heart racing. It's a vaccine. "No!" I start trashing in their arms. "No, you can't do this!" Not again. Please, not again.

No matter how much I struggle, I can't tear myself from their grip, my arm outstretched forcefully and blocked from moving. I beg for my father to stop, but he pushes the needle into the visible vein, starting to inject the fluid.

Before he can finish the job, the glass door shatters and one of the guards falls on the floor, dead. I see Gemma, Louis, Sam, and a few others running toward us, shooting at the rest of them. As the bullets are being exchanged, I seize the opportunity to push away my father which makes him stumble backwards, the syringe dropping on the ground. I bend down and grab his collar, punching him in the face. His head whips to the side and he groans, his palm pressing against the wounded area.

Despite the fact he didn't manage to inject the whole dose, I can only pray the vaccine won't have any effect on me.

"Gemma, what are you doing here?" I ask as I shift my attention at her.

"You're welcome, Harry," she rolls her eyes. "Did you honestly think I'll let you guys handle this without me? No way."

"Sorry it took us so long," Louis says and I notice his cheek is red and swollen, his lower lip busted. "We were ambushed and attacked, so there was no way we could come here earlier."

"Beth and Niall...we--we need to get to them right now," I say, panicking.

"Sarah went to take care of that after Niall and Beth were clever enough to turn on the mic to let us know where are they," Louis says. "It's been around fifteen minutes since it happened, but Zayn, Liam, and Jenna have recently went to help them as well. The three of us came here to take care of you. They're all on this floor, we need to hurry."

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