Chapter 31: Tolerance

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Elizabeth's POV

My eyes survey the room as I sit on the couch at Liam's house, my fingertips nervously drumming against my knees. We're supposed to discuss the banquet that will take place in two days, so most of us have gathered here, only Louis, Harry and Zayn need to arrive. Even Gemma is here.

I have no idea what's so special about that banquet, to me it seems like a tedious celebration with a bunch of scientists. But of course, it can't be just that, nothing is like it should be in this city. But hey, at least there will be food.

"If they come late again, I'll smack them," Sarah says.

Liam smiles, hanging his arm over her shoulders. "My girl, everyone."

The door suddenly bursts open and in walk Louis, Zayn and Harry. When their eyes scan the room, their reactions are hilarious. Louis smirks smugly, Zayn lifts his eyebrows and Harry widens his eyes slightly in annoyance. I notice how he smiles briefly when he looks at Gemma.

"Alright," Louis says, rubbing his palms together. "The party can start now that I'm here," he walks over to the couch, squeezing himself between Gemma and me.

Zayn and Harry somehow both sit on the armchair, Zayn basically sitting on Harry's lap while Harry rests his arm over his shoulder casually. Niall is sitting on the floor with his legs crossed at ankles, leaning against the couch. There's room for him, but he actually fancies the floor.

"Well," Liam says, his eyes trailing over each of us. "The reason you're all here is the banquet."

"Wow," Louis says. "What would we do without you, Liam?"

"Keep your mouth shut, will you?" Sarah immediately interferes.

Louis makes a face, rolling his eyes.

"Can you get to the point?" Harry cuts in, his tone annoyed.

"The point is, we need to divide ourselves into small groups or pairs. We've discussed all the most important details, but one," Liam says. "Some of us should watch over Robert, Gerald and Ben while the others should get busy with distractions. We'll have a few of our men on the party with us and some will be busy with taking care of the surveillance cameras."

"Who's Robert?" I ask.

"Andrew's father," Gemma replies.

"He's a very lovely man," Louis remarks, his lips pulled into a sarcastic smile.

"I'll be with Andrew, so I'll watch over Robert," Gemma continues. "There's no way anything will slip out of my sight."

"Good," Zayn speaks. "Sarah, you'll help me. Louis and Liam will distract the guards-" he pauses, looking over the room "-Niall and Sam can also help with distractions-" he points his finger at them before looking down at Harry "-Harry will look after Ben. And Beth-" he pauses, looking at me "-you will help Gemma."

"No way," Harry objects. "Why the hell--"

"I won't hear it, Harry," Zayn cuts him off sternly. "I know what I'm doing."

Harry glares at him and I can't hide the look of humour on my face. He catches it, giving me an odd look before looking away.

"And what exactly are you going to do?" I ask Zayn.

"I'll break into his office. Robert is a very cautious man, therefore, all of his important meetings are held in there. Believe it or not, his most important documents are there too. He's very old-fashioned and he doesn't trust his own shadow. He doesn't even use computers to store information like normal people do in case someone tries to hack him," Zayn explains.

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