Chapter 61: Raid

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Harry's POV

I frown as I load one of my guns, placing it next to the others on the bed. There's a wide collection of weapons - guns, bombs, knives, all ready to be used when we drive to their torture building and demolish everything. Today is the day of the fight.

I push my hair back with a bandana, rolling the sleeves of my flannel up to my elbows. Despite the fact we've been preparing for this for years, I still have an uneasy feeling in my gut. The raid is planned to the smallest detail, and in theory, nothing should go wrong, but with Gerald and my father you never know. I'm positive they're expecting us to do something, but our biggest advantage might be they're expecting us to attack tomorrow.

I let out a heavy sigh before starting to pack the weapons in a bag. I hear footsteps behind me and quickly spin around. A small smile spreads across my face at the sight of Beth. Her brown hair is tied up in a ponytail, letting me see more of her face. I suddenly have the need to memorise every single thing about her face - her doe eyes, full pink lips, soft cheeks. It may be because there's a chance I'm looking at it for the last time.

"You ready?" Beth asks and I detect a hint of nervousness in her voice. "A few groups have left to take care of their assignments, we're the only ones left."

"Yeah, I just need to pack the weapons and we're good to go," I reply. "You know how to use the mic, right? The top button is to connect with just me, the other is for the rest. I'll make sure you're near me at all times, but if anything happens, don't hesitate to call," I instruct and she nods. "Beth, I... It's going to be okay. It has to, alright?" I ask, hoping for some assurance.

She walks closer to me, a reassuring smile on her face. "Of course, Harry. After today, we'll get what we want, everyone will. We'll convince the other leaders to stop using the shot and finally make a change. Remember that quote, 'Be the change you wish to see in the world'? Well, it's time to follow it."

"It sounds too good to be true. Life doesn't work that way, doll," I sigh, placing my hands on her waist.

"Be a little positive, Harry," she hugs me, nuzzling her face into the crook of my neck. "Not always life has to be hard. This is the final obstacle."

"Your positivity goes on the list of things I tolerate about you," I say.

She laughs a little. "I'm flattered."

I sigh and wrap my arms tight around her, inhaling her scent. My lips press to her forehead, lingering there for a few moments.

It's going to be okay. It has to.

. . . .

"The guards on the main entrance are my mission," I say as everyone gathers around me. "We have Dylan and Jared waiting on the back entrance and a couple of others taking care of the cameras. The rest of you are with me. On my sign, we'll drop the bombs and open fire. Is that clear?" Everyone nods in confirmation.

"Let's fuck them up," Louis says, smirking.

Each of us takes our position, using the fact the sun still hasn't risen to our advantage. There's a thin forest in front of the building, lines of trees standing tall against the cement road separating them from the vast, clear area of land, away from the city. The building looks abandoned from the outside, but we know it's anything but that. Even in the darkness, it's clear there are at least twenty guards at the entrance, and getting rid of them all won't be easy. I dig through my bag, searching for the gas bombs.

"Ya' have them?" Niall asks.

"Yeah," I grab a few, handing them to Niall. I grab the rest, turning to Liam. "Here, take what's left. When the bombs explode, do not inhale. Cover your mouth and nose and run inside. Have I made myself clear?" Everyone nods once again.

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