Chapter 55: Understanding

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Elizabeth's POV

Forty-eight hours have passed since Harry was shot.

He had a brief surgery after which we took him to the hideout in fear they'd catch us. His condition is neither good nor bad, and it pains me to know it could worsen any second. My only consolation right now is my mother who hasn't left my side since we came back.

"When is he going to wake up?" I think out loud, looking down at Harry. We're in a makeshift hospital room with only basic medical supplies. He's lying in the bed shirtless, his wound covered by a large bandage.

"Don't worry, Beth," mum says. "He's knocked out because of the sedatives they gave him."

I nod, sighing. "Mum, what happened to dad...I--I'm..." The pain I've been holding back is finally resurfacing, my eyes filling with tears.

Her arms wrap around me tightly, her hand stroking my hair. "Shh, I know, honey."

"It's not fair," I wipe the tears with the back of my hand. "None of this should have happened. It's my fault. Dad should be here right now. Why does it have to be like this?"

She presses her palms to the sides of my head. "Listen to me, Elizabeth. What happened to your dad is not your fault. Your dad knew very well the risk he was taking when he had decided to come for you. He and I said our goodbyes before he left, we both knew there's a chance we won't see each other again. He was willing to die for you, and if he was here now, he would tell you he'd do it all over again. If there's someone to blame, it's people behind all this, understood?"

I sniffle and nod. "I miss him."

"Me too," she pulls me into a tight hug.

. . . .

A hand on my shoulder startles me awake and I lift my chin, seeing Zayn and Louis beside me. "Hey."

Harry's been receiving visits all day, the most emotional one being of his sister and mother. It wasn't easy to see Anne crying over her son's faith, especially because she knows it's Ben's fault he's in this state in the first place. Harry could've been shot by one of the guards, but it was most likely Ben. Gemma was holding pretty well, comforting her mum while giving us words of hope. Seeing them like that only fueled my anger, my need for revenge only growing.

"Come here," Louis suddenly says, his fingers curling around my wrist as he pulls me up. It takes me a couple of seconds to register his arms are wrapped around me tightly. "Glad to see you're okay."

I smile at the gesture. "You softie."

He pulls away, rolling his eyes. "Nope, just wanted to show it's not that bad to have you around."

"True friendship," Zayn comments, amused.

"Hey, Harry," Louis suddenly says, looking at him. "You look like shit," his lips curve in a smirk before he shifts his gaze on me. "He'll wake up just so he can punch me, you don't have to worry anymore."

I laugh a little, shaking my head. "I don't appreciate you enough, Louis."

He smirks smugly. "Well, I gotta go," Louis announces. "I have a whole year of catching up with my girl," he looks at me, winking. "See ya' soon, Beth." He pats Zayn on the back before leaving the room.

Zayn looks at me, smiling warmly. "You're exhausted, you should go to your room and get some sleep."

"No, what if he wakes up?" I rub my sore neck, sighing.

"We'll tell you, don't worry," he says. "I'll send Niall to stay with him, he's worried."

"No, it's alright. I want to be here when he wakes up," I glance at Harry, reaching for his hand.

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