Chapter 40: Damage

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Harry's POV


I dial Zayn's number for the nth time, running my hand through my hair. The pain in my temples is finally wearing off, but I still haven't regained my memory of what happened earlier. I had to fucking hitchhike since the bastards that were after us left me on the road. It's not hard to conclude Beth and I were attacked and it was obviously Gerald's doing. However, she's the one that's missing and I have no idea where to look.

It's been one hour and no one is answering my calls which frustrates me and scares me at the same time. If we were attacked, there's a chance the same thing happened to them. I understand why did they take her and not me, I'm not useful to them. However, there's a reason I'm not dead, I just don't know why.

Until it hits me.

. . . .

"Harry?" My mum widens her eyes when she opens the door and I shift my weight awkwardly.

"I need to see father," I say, walking past her in the house.

"He's having some important conversation in his office," she says and I nod, beginning to walk toward the stairs when her hand grabs mine. "Harry, wait. Let me look at you."

I gulp, my eyes flicking to her hand. "Why?"

"How are you now? When we talked the last time you were here, you said you can't handle all this," she lowers her voice, her green eyes worried. "What happened to your face?"

I frown slightly at the memory. That's why she wanted us to stay here that day, she wanted to talk to me because she knew something was wrong. I'm still surprised my mother knows the truth, but I'm even more surprised she's taken my side.

"Mum, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't urgent," I say, pulling my hand from hers. "We'll talk some other time."

"Harry, you know how Ben reacts when someone interrupts him," she says nervously.

"Good thing I don't care anymore," I reply and turn, marching up the stairs.

When I reach his office, I don't even bother to knock, I just barge in. He is standing in the centre of the room with the phone pressed to his ear. His eyes widen in shock at first, then his features turn furious.

"You better have a good explanation for this," he tells me, hanging up.

"Where is Elizabeth?" I ask calmly.

His eyebrows wrinkle in confusion. "How should I know?"

I laugh dryly. "You see, we were attacked and now she's gone. My friends aren't answering their phones either. Tell me the truth before I get angry," I say lowly, keeping my eyes locked with his.

"How dare you accuse me?" His jaw clenches as he places the phone on his desk. "Have you no respect?" He takes a few steps toward me. "Should I remind you?"

I straighten my posture, not allowing him to think he has any control over me again. "Don't threaten me and answer my question," I say, gulping.

He barely hides his surprised expression. "You know, it's been so long since you and I had a proper conversation."

My heart starts beating rapidly as the memories flash before my eyes. "And we won't have one ever again, I won't let you do that to me again. You ruined me," I spit. "You fucking damaged me."

"You've always been weak, Harry. You barely talked to anyone and always kept everything for yourself. For a child, you were a good liar. Surely you understand I dislike when someone lies to me. It was for your own good."

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