Chapter 67: Relief

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Harry's POV

My eyes snap open at the sound of a gunshot and I look at Andrew who is lying near me, blood gashing from the wound on his hip. I lift my gaze, my jaw dropping in shock.

There stands my father with a gun in his hand, his green eyes wild and filled with anger. "How dare you threaten my son?"

My eyes immediately search for Louis and Jenna. If he's here, they have to be here as well since they were watching over him. It means Zayn and I are about to get out of here.

Andrew hisses in pain then looks at the guards. "Why the hell are you standing there? Shoot him!"

Ben glares at them warningly, and none of them moves. They know who he is, they would never dare to shoot him. Zayn uses their distraction to his advantage and tears himself from their grip, drawing a gun from one of them. He lifts it and carefully walks toward me, crouching beside me.

"Hang in there," he says quietly, placing his hand on my shoulder. "You'll be okay."

"Filthy bastard," Ben tells Andrew, his gun aimed at him. "You'll pay for this."

"How are you even here?" I demand, glaring at him. He might be the one that saved my life, but it doesn't change anything.

"I've made a deal with someone and here I am," he replies. "It wasn't hard to conclude where to look for Gerald, so you're lucky I came here on time. And now, I'll deal with this bastard." He looks at Andrew.

"No," a voice says.

She runs into the room with a gun in her hands, placing her foot on Andrew's shoulder and pushing him on his back. I'm not sure if I'm dreaming or I'm dead, but there's this overwhelming feeling washing over me when I realise the person standing near me is Beth.

I think I'm going crazy.

Here she stands, with her doe eyes and dishevelled hair, her face pale. I blink a few times, completely forgetting about the pain in my arm. All I see is her.

She's alive.

"That wasn't a part of the deal," she warns Ben before looking at Andrew. "You asshole. You hurt Gemma. You killed my father. You tortured me and my friends. You tried to kill Harry. Give me one reason why should I let you live, so I can give you hundred more why should I end your pathetic existence."

"Beth?" I ask in shock, unable to move. Is she real?

She glances at me, giving me a brief smile. My heart swells at the scene. Desire to kiss her is almost unbearable.

Only now I acknowledge the presence of my friends. Louis and Niall pull me up to my feet and I groan in pain, grabbing my arm. Daniel and Luke are here as well, my eyes narrowing at the sight of them. Sam grabs Ben's gun while he glares at her.

I look at Beth again, her expression emotionless as she holds her gun aimed at Andrew. None of us is planning on stopping her because she has all the right to decide what happens to that moron. After everything he did to her, it's her choice.

I think I'm too shocked and too filled with adrenaline to fully register the girl I thought I'd lost is alive.

"Screw you," Andrew spits. "Go ahead and kill me, sweetheart, we both know you're not capable of that."

She laughs dryly. "You've just wasted an opportunity for me to change my mind." She shoots him in the leg and he screams in pain. "That was for Gemma," she says, shooting him in the other leg twice. "That was for my father," she continues while Andrew screams in agony. She shoots him in the arm. "That was for letting Gerald kill me." Another bullet hits his other arm. "That was for Harry." She finally aims the gun at his head while he watches her with pleading eyes.

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