Chapter 39: Taken

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Elizabeth's POV

Veil of darkness surrounds me and it feels like I'm dreaming as I regain my consciousness slowly. The first thing I feel is a strong ache in my temples and a bitter taste in my dry mouth. I struggle to force my heavy eyelids to open, letting out a small grunt. When I finally manage to open my eyes, the strongest feeling of déjà vu washes over me, making my heart skip a beat in horror. No, no, no, not this again.

Sure enough, I'm lying on the cold table, my wrists and ankles restrained. My left hand is sore for some reason, it feels like I punched someone. Just like the last time, I have no memory of what happened, anxiety slowly taking over me. However, I'm not in the same lab as before, this one is more vast and has glass walls. The lights are dimly lit, only adding to the horror scenery. 

I can feel the dread beginning to form inside me as I think about who did this and what happened. There's only one person that comes to my mind.

"Elizabeth, it's nice to see you're awake," Gerald's voice travels to my ears as he approaches me, his smirk present.

"What do you want from me?" I ask groggily, my throat dry and in desperate need of water.

"First of all, I don't appreciate finding one of my men dead at the party," he starts. "And second of all, I have this experiment and I think you're the perfect subject. I took your blood sample while you were asleep, I hope you don't mind."

I shoot him the coldest glare I can muster. "You piece of shit."

His eyebrows rise. "I would really hate to sedate you, dear. I have some strong sedatives here, you wouldn't be able to move a muscle yet you'd be awake. How does that sound, hm?"

I clench my jaw, keeping my glare fixed on him. Suddenly, a thought pops into my head. I definitely remember going to training today and Harry was coming with me.

"Wh-where's Harry? Is he here? Is he okay?" I ask in a panic.

"Don't bother your head about that, I'm going to need it for something else," he says, his fingers swiping my hair away from my face.

I cringe and turn my head in disgust. "Don't touch me."

He removes his hand, chuckling. "Do you know why are you the perfect subject? For two reasons. One, you defy me in every way. You should really learn to keep your mouth shut and control your actions," he glares at me. I know for sure he's talking about our encounter in the elevator. He continues, "You should be more like Daniel. He's a true genius by the way, he's remarkable."

"Don't mention my brother," I say through gritted teeth. "Tell me why am I here."

"I can see it doesn't run in the family," he remarks. "The second reason is, well," he grazes his finger over my arm, trailing the visible veins, "it's this right here and," he taps his index finger to my temple, "here."

"Stop speaking in codes."

"Well, it shouldn't matter to you, there's a high probability you're not getting out of here alive."

My breathing picks up, the hairs on the back of my neck rising at his words. I can't say I'm not afraid, but I mustn't let it show, I won't show any sign of weakness to this man. I'll figure out a way out, I have to.

"You won't get away with this, Gerald," I spit. "It's only a matter of time before they find you and kill you."

"They?" He asks, amused. "Who? That group of kids? Don't you think I know what they're planning? I just don't know how are they planning on doing it. That's when you get in the game."

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