Chapter 65: Defeat

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Harry's POV

It's been hours. Hours have passed since I found out Beth is gone.

I'm astonished to see the amount of people on the streets, shouting and demanding answers. The message we've broadcasted has made an impact and everyone has realised the truth. The guards are everywhere, shooting and trying to stop the angry mob, and I know this is only the beginning.

Beth would love to see this. She would tell me we've made a change and she would take my hand, and kiss me.

It's not hard to conclude why did Gerald escape to this city, he has no allies in any other beside the capital. He's gathering an army for the inevitable war, so we've made sure to send the evidence to the leaders of every other city so they could send their troops to fight for our cause. It's been a few hours, so they should be deciding whether or not to side with us by now. We depend on their help to stop Gerald.

We didn't want to take any chances and just leave my father, knowing he will escape. He's being guarded by Louis and Jenna, who are using their not so gentle methods to extract information from him. That's how we found out where exactly to look for Gerald in the first place. He kept saying we should give up because Gerald is always a few steps ahead of us, he kept saying we should run or he's going to kill us. We're determined to prove him wrong.

Niall and I are walking down the street, guns in our hands. We've sent a few teams in search for Gerald while we scavenge the streets. He knew we would've killed him if he had stayed back there, that's why he's escaped like a pathetic coward he is. Or maybe his plan was to lure us here, I don't know. All I know is that I want to find him and watch him die.

We've checked every place we could think of, but to no avail. Liam has gathered a team of his own to search for him and my sister has gladly joined him, having her own revenge against Andrew in mind. I've decided to go alone, but Niall wouldn't take no for an answer. I haven't seen Zayn and the rest in a few hours, but I believe they're as clueless as we are.

"Where the fuck is he?" I raise my voice. "It's been hours, where is he hiding? Where?!"

"Harry..." Niall says, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine," I snap at him. "I'm in no mood for another one of your 'you're holding back your feelings' speeches. I'm fine."

"Harry, it's okay to be hurt," he reasons, pulling me to stop. "I don't want you to do something stupid."

I laugh dryly. "I won't kill myself or anything. I will kill Gerald."

"I saw the vial," he says. "Why have you kept that one?"

"It's none of your business."

"Don't even consider doing that again, Harry," he says firmly, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Don't detach yourself again. She wouldn't want that."

I push him away in anger. "Don't speak for her! You can't know what would she want because she's not here! She's gone! Gone."

My chest falls and rises heavily, my fingers yanking at my hair in desperation. I turn around, angrily walking away from the scene. Zayn tried to have a similar conversation with me earlier, which only added to my frustration. None of them understands what am I going through, but they think they're entitled to tell me how should I feel or act. Fuck them.

"Harry, come back!" Niall shouts. "Harry, for fuck's sake!"

I run into the crowd while Niall's shouts get lost in the mass of voices. I push my way through the crowd, just letting my feet carry me forward. I don't know where am I going, I just want to get away. I keep running until I reach a clearing, breathing heavily.

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