Chapter 25: Reason

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Elizabeth's POV

My eyes drift to the clock on the wall. It's finally lunchtime. I've been waiting for an opportunity to finally talk to Zayn since from what I understood so far, Harry, Liam, and probably the rest of the team depend on him somehow.

I remove the latex gloves and ditch them in the trash as I make my way out of the lab. I'm trying to come up with a way to spark a conversation with him about all this, so I can actually find out what this is all about. I'm directly included at whatever the hell they're up to so I deserve to know.

This time, I decide to use the stairs since the last time I used the elevator I had an encounter with doctor asshole, as Sarah would say. As I take about three flights of stairs, I realize it was a mistake since I can still feel the ache in my muscles from the training I did with her yesterday, and the worst part is she wants me to come again tomorrow. Not sure if her plan is to teach me or kill me.

I was smart enough to ask around where exactly Zayn works so I don't have to wander around like a fool. Once I reach his lab, I peek inside. It appears to be empty at first but muffled voices soon catch my attention. I hesitantly step inside, walking further. You can't really see much since the room is filled with machines he works on, so it's basically a labyrinth in here.

I can hear the voices much clearer now and shivers run down my spine when I recognise one of them. The first voice definitely belongs to Zayn and the other one is, no doubt, Ben Styles. I lean my back against one of the tall machines, peeking from behind so I can confirm it.

"...and there is not enough data about you," Ben says.

"Maybe you should look better," Zayn replies, uninterested.

What are they talking about?

"Listen to me, boy. I know my son and I know when he's hiding something from me," Ben says coldly. "And I'm certain it has something to do with you."

"With all due respect, sir, I think your stalkers didn't do a very good job," Zayn says. "I'm merely acquainted with Henry."

I snort and quickly clamp my mouth shut. I nervously peek again, relieved neither of them heard me.

"It's Harry," Ben says through gritted teeth. "I talked to him today and he gave me the same dumb face you're giving me now. All of you are underestimating me, but unlike you," he points his finger at Zayn, "I like to lay my cards on the table without hiding anything."

"We had similar conversations before, sir. Whatever game you think we're playing, I'm not and I don't want to be a part of it," Zayn says. "I'm honestly feeling threatened without any reason," he shrugs.

It's really hard to keep a straight face at this point, Ben looks like he's barely holding himself. I'm sure Harry would enjoy seeing him like this, I know I am.

"Elizabeth, dear, it's not polite to eavesdrop," Ben suddenly says and my heart almost stops.


I'm pretty sure I'm paler than a ghost right now as I step from my hiding spot, awkwardly smiling at them. Zayn widens his eyes slightly and Ben smirks, probably satisfied with himself.

"I'm sorry, I came to talk to- uh to John, but he's not here," I lie. If Zayn is pretending he doesn't know Harry then I should pretend I don't know Zayn. My attempt is obviously useless since Ben's face is showing he's onto me.

"We'll see each other again, mister Malik," Ben says as he brushes past him, toward me.

"We work in the same company, I'm sure we will," Zayn mumbles. "It was nice talking to you, sir!" He turns and shouts after him, making me smile.

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