Chapter 66: Anger

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I inhale sharply, my lungs expanding completely.

What is happening?

As my chest falls and rises heavily, my eyes open to the half, my vision completely blurry and distorted. A headache is making me feel like my head is about to explode, a groan leaving my mouth as a result. My heart rate is frantic, beads of sweat forming on my forehead.


My hands grasp my head as I force my eyes to fully open, the vision getting clearer now. My brother's concerned expression comes into view, my eyebrows pulling together in confusion. "Daniel? What...?" I ask while panting, noticing I'm in the back seat of a car. I feel like I could run a marathon.

"Thank God," he sighs in relief. "How are you feeling? I had to use the adrenaline shot to wake you."

"I...I don't..." I mumble, confused. "Where are we?"

I glance out of the window, seeing nothing but an empty road ahead. This is all wrong, I should be with Harry. We were on our way to Gerald's building and now I'm sitting here.

"Daniel, we should be on the raid," I say, my voice shaky. "What happened? I've been sedated too many times, I know when I'm under the influence of a sedative. Why am I here? Where is Harry? What--"

"Shh, calm down. Trust me," he says, wrapping his arms around me. "I'll explain everything. Damn, I was so afraid you've been out for too long, thank God you woke up. It's been thirty minutes."

"I've never felt like this before," I say as I pull away, my eyes finding his. "Who sedated me? If something happened to Harry, just tell me now. Please, Daniel, I need to know," I plea, feeling the heaviness building up in my chest.

"Nothing happened to Harry," he says. "At least not as far as I'm concerned. Listen, it's important to me that you trust me. You'll soon remember what happened and it probably won't match with what I will tell you, but you'll just have to trust me."

"You're scaring me and it's annoying," I sigh, my fingers running through my hair. "Just cut to the chase."

"You're dead," Daniel states bluntly. "I mean, you're supposed to be dead. That's what everyone thinks, at least."

I frown. "If this is a joke, it's not funny."

"It's not. You were heavily sedated and your dose was large enough to slow down your heartbeat and breathing drastically, it was impossible to notice you're still alive."

"Wait, why was I sedated? You're explaining everything in the wrong order," I huff.

"Because Gerald wanted you dead."

The image of Gerald standing above me suddenly flashes before my eyes, his smirk deviously curving his lips. Bits and pieces of earlier events slowly come back to me. I shudder, my lips parting in shock.

"I remember only some parts," I say. "I remember Niall and Andrew..." I close my eyes, trying to force my memories back. "And Sarah. You were there, too."

"My only goal was your safety," Daniel says, his expression uneasy. "Please know that, Beth."

"You betrayed us," I whisper, my eyes widening in horror. Everything starts coming back to me, terrifying images of earlier events filling my previously blank mind. "You betrayed us!" I shout, quickly getting out of the car, dizziness causing me to lean against it for support.

Luke suddenly rushes to me, his arm wrapping around my waist. My eyes widen as I push him away. "What the--"

"I helped him," he interrupts, making me realise he's been standing outside this whole time.

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