Chapter 24: Training

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Elizabeth's POV

"Are you telling me in these past few weeks you've been living with him nothing happened?" Sam asks me in disbelief. She came up to our house earlier today, telling me I have to come with her, dragging me without any explanation. I've learned she can be pretty feisty for someone her height.

"Have you met Harry?" I sarcastically remark from the passenger seat.

"What are you talking about, he's gorgeous," she says. "It's not like you have to listen to his crap in bed," she winks at me and I roll my eyes.

"Can we please change the subject?" I ask. "For example, why don't you tell me where are you taking me?"

"You'll see." She smiles and focuses on the road again.

After a while, Sam finally parks the car, ripping the key from the engine. I climb out of the car, my eyes focusing on the building in front of us. It actually more resembles a warehouse than a building, not to mention the area around us is rather secluded, almost abandoned, which only adds to my anxiety.

"Why are we-" I start, but she cuts me off by grabbing my hand and dragging me behind her. I sigh in resignation as we slowly reach the entrance. There are two guys standing in front of the big red door, both of them giving me wary glances, making me smile nervously.

"Dylan, Jared," Sam greets them with a smile, making them smile as well as they open the door, letting her enter inside.

"Dylan, Jared," I repeat and they exchange glances. "I'm- uh, I'm with her."

"Name, age, reasons for coming here, partner's name, social security number, bra size," one of them says, a stoic expression on his face as his blue eyes stare at me, shaggy black hair covering his head.

I frown. "Excuse me?"

"He thinks he's funny when he's obviously not, don't listen to him dearie," the other one says, giving me a kind smile as his brown eyes lock with mine. "I'm Dylan."

I nod at him. "I'm Beth."

"Ooh, you're with Harry! Sorry, I was just joking, sugar," Jared quickly says, dimples appearing on his cheeks as he smiles widely. "I don't want him to get angry."

Aww dimples.

"Oh, don't worry about it. So you two know Harry, it's always nice to meet his friends," I say, enjoying seeing their genuine kind, smiling faces. Lately all the new people I've met either attempted to kill me, threatened me, or accused me of something ridiculous.

"I'm glad we have a new member," Dylan says. "So did Zayn find you?"

"No...?" I say, confused with his question. "What do you mean?"

Sam suddenly comes back, her fingers wrapping around my wrist. "Why aren't you letting her in, lads? Come on Beth."

"Noo, but I've made new fr- okay byeee it was nice talking to you even though I'm slightly confused!" I say as Sam pulls me with her and wave at them over my shoulder, a wide smile on my face.

"Bye dearie, see you around," Dylan says with a wink while Jared grins and waves back, wiggling his fingers.

When I look ahead, I realise the place is enormous. There's a wide, dimly lit passage sprawled in front of us, its cool temperature surrounding me. The passage is empty, but there are some kind of sections on both sides, each having a letter above it. We start making our way further inside the facility and the only sounds are our shoes clicking against the floor. Each section is basically another passage leading to who knows where.

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