Silver & Gravity

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"Power is often feared by people who cannot understand it. That's why, I want you to keep your abilities hidden."


"Good. Now, listen close. I'm going to teach you how to use and hone your senses. Knowing how to hide your presence is one of the essence of a shinobi."

"Okay, brother."

"No. Don't call me brother."



I woke up feeling like shit. Other than the feeling of having forgotten something important, it was another dull day for me. It's been a week since I was discharged from the hospital after my last fight with Hisoka.

After that squabble, I feel like Hisoka has been avoiding me. I haven't seen him since then, and he hasn't contacted me for a while now. And, since I had a while before the deadline for my next match, I was a bit unsure with how to proceed my data-gathering goals without the assurance of Hisoka. To keep myself busy, I began my workout.

100 push-ups, 100 km run, and 100 sit-ups.

The workout provided my muscles with sufficient nutrition that came from proper blood circulation, thus, getting prepped for the day's work. Afterwards, I headed outside the Arena and ate breakfast.

Then, I went to Oyaji's room. Although he wasn't there when I reached his room. See? Normally, I would always find him here especially since he doesn't have a scheduled match anytime soon. Well, never mind him. I decided to go to the gym, A.K.A., the training rooms.

The arena's hallways were almost empty save for a few attendants who guarded the place. Passing by one of the attendants, I gave him a small nod in acknowledgement.

He nodded back, a small blush on his face.

I continued my way towards the gym. Passing by a mirror, I couldn't help but stop. Not to marvel at my reflection— because I knew I looked hot even without other people telling me.

It was just that... whenever I look at my reflection, I get this uneasy feeling in my gut. And, sometimes without realizing it, a few tears would slip. I didn't know why I felt so... sad, staring at my own reflection.

The onyx eyes that stared back at me as I ran a hand through my hair, seemed to hold all the answers I sought. My hair was pitch black, cut raggedly just above my shoulders. It framed my face and contrasted my fair skin.

I tried fixing my hair in a way that it looked suspiciously like a... duck's butt. The feeling in my gut intensified, and it wasn't because my hair looked ridiculous. For a moment, my reflection flickered, and I saw the face of boy two years older than me.

It was my brother.

The illusion was gone the second I blinked, and I was back to staring at my pale face. I ran a hand through my hair and combed it down, attaining my usual hairstyle. With one last sparing glance at the mirror, I continued on my way.

As I turned around a corner, the sound of the elevator rang in my head.


As the elevator doors opened, two boys, about my age, walked out. One with dark hair that seemed to defy gravity and one with gorgeous silver curls. Silver and gravity-defying. I smirked at the odd combination.

Just as I was about to pass them, I met eyes with the silver haired boy. His electric blue eyes stared at mine and I nearly gasped. I felt like I was dropped into a tub of cold water.

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