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(A/N: WARNING!!! Just as before, there would be some yaoi references. But don't worry. It's only yaoi reference since Aki is a girl. Sigh~ I'm sort of a little stressed right now......)

Opening his eyes to the harsh glare of sunlight, the first thing that passed through Killua's mind was,


The sun was obviously not cute—not with its death glares of sunrays. Rather, it was the face that Killua woke up to. There was someone else with him on bed. His mind still asleep, Killua closed his eyes once more and just enjoyed the warmth. A few minutes later, the person beside him moved a bit. He opened his eyes once more only to see the onyx eyes of a certain girl.


He blinked his eyes once again. The girl's eyelids were still closed. Did he imagine that just now? Perhaps he did. But then, Killua realized something.

Aki was in bed with him.

His immediate reaction was to jump away, shouting a string of curses at his wake. Killua's butt landed on the floor with a painful thud. Aki had to stop herself from laughing out loud. And Aki continued to fake her sleep.

Killua looked at the girl apprehensively, eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"What the...? Why is Aki on my bed??" Killua mumbled mostly to himself, unaware that Aki was listening to his monologue. Poking Aki, Killua tested for a reaction. However, seeing Aki unresponsive, Killua dropped his guard.

A sigh leaving his lips, Killua sat back on his bed, studying Aki. She curled cutely into a ball and 'slept' away. Her long eyelashes were closed and her lips neutral—not twisted in a frown or a smirk. What pinkish supple lips... Killua frowned.

"Just as I thought before, he really looks cuter when he's asleep." Killua continued to mumble to himself, brushing a strand of hair away from Aki's face. Aki rolled her eyes at the insult disguised as a compliment. Suddenly, Killua's hand froze as he touched Aki's cheeks.

"Wait a sec, this is my chance to get back at him!!" Killua talked to himself, suddenly excited. Hearing Killua's plot, Aki frowned. As Killua started to pinch Aki's cheeks, the dark-haired girl opened her eyes to glare at Killua.

"What are you doing?" Aki asked, raising a brow. Killua let go of her cheeks, exclaiming in surprise.

"Gah!! I knew you were awake!" Killua accused, blaming himself a little for not checking thoroughly. Aki smirked, amused by his reaction.

"Good morning too~" Aki greeted with a cheeky smirk. That part of her was so alike to Hisoka. Not giving Killua any time to get away, Aki was quick to pull him down to her. Then, she flipped their places, trapping Killua below her like that one time at the Arena bleachers. Killua's eyes became half-lidded moons as he glared at the girl on top of him.

"... What the hell are you doing again?" He asked whilst wearing a deadpanned expression.

"Ho~ Trying to act cold now, huh. Right after you called me cute?" Aki teased.

"You—!!" Killua couldn't find the words to say, realizing that Aki had heard him talk to himself. He looked away from Aki's piercing onyx orbs, a bit embarrassed.

"... You know, the face you make when you're under me is the best." Aki continued to jest, using one hand to stroke Killua's cheek—the same way he did to her when she was 'asleep'. Immediately, Aki got the reaction she was fishing for.

"Wha—?! You—! You pervert! Get off me!!" Killua exclaimed in indignation and embarrassment, wildly thrashing his limbs before Aki pinned them down with brute force. Aki chuckled darkly, bringing their faces closer. She couldn't help but tease Killua. Taking it a step further, Aki brushed the tip of her nose on to the silverette's—making the boy squirm uncomfortably under her. The dark-haired girl snickered at Killua's reaction, holding his limbs tightly. Now that she came out as 'gay' it was more fun to tease Killua—especially with his possible crush... on Gon.

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