Jack of Clubs

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Did I hear that right?

For a moment, I wanted to laugh at Leorio's bold words. I mean, did they even know how freaking OP those Phantom Troupe guys were? Didn't he listen to me rave on about their strength? Was he joking?? Because the Troupe was definitely no joke. To talk about hunting them down...

However, it didn't take me long to realize that he was dead serious.

"Seriously?" I found myself asking with furrowed brows.

"Yes. Their bounty amounts to 2 billion Jenny for each head." Leorio explained.


I mussed over his words. I guess, the arm-wrestling business isn't really enough to cover for Gon's financial problem. So, they're going after Troupe members...? I shook my head at the absurdity.

"Are you guys asking for a death sentence? There's no way in hell we can take them. And, I'm speaking as someone who tried to run away from one member but got kidnapped instead." I said, flat out.

"Hey, you never know! Maybe we can—" 

"No... Aki's right. We can't take them. Kurapika might be able to, but we don't have enough power to subdue them." Killua interjected, stopping Leorio's sentence.

"Well, that's why I'm suggesting, we just scout them first.  We'll just try to find their base. That info alone will fetch us a huge check." Leorio explained. For once, he looked like a really smart guy.

"Ohhhh!" Gon and Killua exclaimed, stars beaming in their eyes. 

And, that's basically how we all ended up in a cafe overlooking the plaza near our hotel. Leorio didn't waste any time and effort in hatching his plan. He hired a couple to spy on two Troupe members who was reportedly seen on the area. I recognized the two from afar. 

It was Machi, the woman with pink hair. And, the other was... Nonaga? Nobugaga...? Whatever. He was the persistent guy with long hair and traditional yukata.

Gon and Killua was on high alert, making sure to keep a bird's eye view on the pair. Me? My job was to eat. I ordered the food, I ate the food, and watched the others tense up every now and then at the subtle gesture of those two below.

I didn't really wanna think much about the Phantom Troupe. And, I don't really want to meet them ever again. But then, I realized that Hisoka was probably with them. I mean, where else could he be?

And that's the only reason why I agreed with Leorio's plan. 

Well, they weren't really aware about Hisoka's connection with the Phantom Troupe... and it's not something that I want to explain right now to them. Time passed by, and we continued to watch the members from afar. It was increasingly getting boring. 

Just as I thought so, a loud bam resounded in the café. Surprised, I looked at where the sound came from.

"You liar!!" A boy, just a few years older than me, cried out. He looked ready to cry. In front of him, another guy shouted, "No! It's not like that. I'm telling you, you're the only one I love!"






Okay... what? 

My full attention was on them. I noticed that several other customers were watching the two in interest. However, those two didn't even seem to mind the audience. Oh dear gods... is this some kind of yaoi scene?

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