Two for 'Goodbye'

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Dear gods. 

Nobody could utter a word in. Not even a snide comment from Killua. After all, his mouth was currently occupied. 

The kiss. Right. Aki was kissing him. 

Now that his sanity was coming back to him, Killua realized that Aki was still kissing him. How long had they been kissing? 

Then, Killua felt Aki slip her tongue inside, along with something else. But all that Killua could focus on was the feel of Aki's tongue. He gulped.

Killua was tomato red by the time Aki pulled back. It seems like the boy's brain had also short-circuited. Embarrassed and defeated, the poor boy fell on his butt. He was starting to feel a little dizzy.

Is that how a first kiss should feel?

"I don't really understand why you suddenly start to hyperventilate, but you should feel better now—" Aki wiped her lips nonchalantly, contrary to Killua's reaction. Who could blame her? It's not like she had romantic intentions. As a former medic ninja, Aki was trained to carry medical pills. That's what the pouches are for.

She had just performed a semi-CPR-slash-kiss to make Killua take Klonopin—meds for anxiety. But, Killua couldn't seem to let go of the kiss.

He was a blushing, stuttering mess. And Gon was watching from the back, squealing like a lovesick fanboy. 

It took Aki, about five seconds of staring at Killua to finally realize that one, the drugs weren't really needed because Killua was no longer anxious; and two, Killua was crazy embarrassed. And that made her extremely embarrassed too. 

In an attempt to make things lighter, Aki opened her stupid mouth.

"I still think you make such a fine uke." Aki said in a joking tone—or at least, that's how she wanted to sound. However, she was still feeling a little shaky. So, she sounded something like:

"I-I still think y-you make such a fine u-uke."

—a complete stuttering mess.

But, at least that got Killua out of his trance. As if a bubble had popped, Killua's mood turned sour.

"What did you say?!" He was ready for the kill, fists finding themselves glued to Aki's collar. At least, that's how he wanted to sound like. However, similar to Aki, his mouth was feeling a little numb. Killua was also victim to stuttering. He uttered something like:

"W-w-what did you say?!"

—and his voice broke towards the end.

Combined with his actions, they simply created the wrong mood around the pair. Right now, Gon was squealing like the avid fanboy he was. And Nobunaga—oh poor, Nobunaga... the man was turned to stone.

Nobunaga has got to have the worst luck in history.

He could only watch in shock as the shining 'heir' of their former leader committed 'sodomy' in front of his eyes. 

"What're you grinning for?" Killua snapped at Gon. The brunet chuckled, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck.

"Nothing really~ I just really ship you two." >~<

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