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I gave Hisoka a parched look at his attempt to surprise me. The red head just smiled innocently.

"Glad to see you're still in one piece." Aki greeted, her tone dry and sarcastic. Hisoka merely chuckled.

"Glad to know you haven't forgotten about me." Hisoka teased. Aki rolled her eyes, opening the door of her room wider.

"Well, I still haven't forgiven that last stunt you've pulled off. In my room." Aki stated, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Hisoka only snorted, a playful smirk on his lips as he entered Aki's room.

"I guess I didn't bring these sweets for nothing~" Hisoka purred, showing Aki two boxes of assorted mini cakes. At the sight, Aki snatched the boxes from the red head. She narrowed her eyes at Hisoka for a bit before she loosened up.

"'Kay. You're forgiven." Aki stated, walking back into her room. Hisoka followed suite, closing the door behind him. He watch Aki sit cross-legged on her bed and open the first box of sweats.

Hisoka chuckled in amusement as the little girl started stuffing her face with cakes. Aki saw him staring and flipped him off. The red head only smiled wider, flashing his own middle finger. He motioned to his pants, earning a growl from the dark-haired girl.

"Don't you dare do that again inside here." Aki rumbled, promising to cut off Hisoka's tool if he tried once more. Hisoka sweatdropped.

"It was a joke, a joke~" He defended. Aki shrugged before continuing to eat.

"So, why are you here?" Aki asked after finishing the first box. She licked her fingers clean, looking expectantly at Hisoka.

"How cold~ Just because you've been hanging out lately with Gon and Killua." Hisoka jested. The dark-haired girl only looked at the red head with confused eyes.

"You—do you expect me to hug you or something?" Aki asked, remembering Gon's belief that hugging was something you give to those who are lonely.

"No. I'm just trying to get a reaction out of you." Hisoka explained, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, I missed you too." Aki replied, smiling sarcastically. Hisoka rolled his eyes at that. Someone taught her to be more contemptuous. Damn Killua, Hisoka cursed.

"I just came to see your face, is that not enough?" Hisoka stated, pinching Aki's cheeks lightly. The action made Aki blush a little. She remembered yesterday's conversation with Killua. Frowning, Aki slapped Hisoka's hands away.

"Don't treat me like a kid." Aki protested, slightly pouting.

"Cute~" Hisoka purred, ruffling Aki's hair. The dark-haired girl groaned in annoyance.

"Stop that!" She yelled, slapping Hisoka's hands away once more. The red head chuckled. Even though Aki is biologically a girl, and other than the fact that believed that 'cute' was for pets, Aki's pride was also a bit hurt—her boyish pride, that is. One of these days, Aki thought that she might forget that she is a girl not a guy.

"Well, I also came to give you a ticket to my match." Hisoka said, handing her a ticket. Aki's eyes widened.

"The hell, you have an upcoming match?! How come you didn't tell me any sooner?" The black-haired girl said with a frown. The red head smiled mockingly at Aki.

"Maybe it's because you've been too preoccupied with Gon and Killua." Hisoka jested, sitting on Aki's bed. Aki raised an eyebrow at Hisoka's mordant reply.

"Shut up." She grumbled under her breath. "Who are you fighting?" Aki asked. Hisoka smirked and played with his cards. He shuffled them, threw one in the air and caught a bottle of water instead.

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