Get rid of him, please

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In the end, the three of us decided to split up while tailing the pair of Troupe members. The idea was to create a triangle formation surrounding them. That way, they wouldn't be able to immediately pinpoint our location. And, if they ever did, we'd still have enough time to create a diversion before they go for at least one of us.

Killua and Gon handled the planks while I scourged the path in front. Risky—I know.

Especially since I got no idea what Machi and Nobugaga could do. They seemed different from Uvogin who relied on strength. 

I controlled my breathing as I made another jump, discretely following the pair while using Zen and chakra to hasten my steps. I concentrated on making sure that I left no trace.

I was mainly concerned with the trajectory they were taking, so there was no need to see Machi and her company. Since I lost my cellphone, I was using Leorio's for contact. I handled the information distribution while Gon and Killua changed their courses according to my position. 

You might think that shadowing missions are boring. But, I tell you—these missions are completely nerve-racking.

"—got it. I'll proceed, three o'clock from my post." Gon responded after I gave him the trajectory. I hummed before dropping the call. Phew. At least now, I can call people without freaking out. I don't know if it was my amnesia, but I can't seem to recall ever having used a cell before waking up here. Hisoka used to tease me about it. I smiled a little at the reminder, but froze when I remembered his retreating back.

I frowned.

I hate this. I hate him for this—this unbearable agony. It would be true to say that my chest throbs in pain at the mere thought of Hisoka. I shook my head. If only I can rid my memories of him, just like before... before? I stopped running, surprised with my own thoughts. What... the hell was that? Why—why did I...? What before?

Before what, exactly?

 As I began to move across houses once more, something in my gut started to bubble to the surface of my awareness. It was telling me that something was wrong. The feeling made me a bit queasy.

It took a while for my head to leave the clouds of doubt. Back to my mission, I began to notice a discrepancy.

Nobugaga and Machi kept walking father and father away from the center of the city. People were starting to dwindle. However, it bothered me that they seemed to be moving conventionally for a while now.

Keeping the formation in my head, I realized this after seeing Machi and Nobugaga shift their trajectory, a couple of times. Like they were moving according to our positions. A sense of dread dawned upon me.

Is this a trap...?

I bit my lip in apprehension. Should I test my conjecture...? 

I moved again, hoping from one roof to another, until I was directly in front of Machi and Nobugaga. I could see the outline of their statures from afar. Slowly, they walked closer to me, until I could finally see their faces with clarity.

The relaxed expressions on their visage didn't tell me anything worthwhile. I pressed myself against the roof tiles, careful to not get into their line of sight. Suddenly, they stopped walking, just a few feet perpendicular to where I hid. 

They seemed to be arguing about something. I hid, when Machi's eyes swept across the street to my general direction. 

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I think they know. No, they definitely know that we're following them. I gotta warn Gon and Killua. 

I took out Leorio's phone and dialed Killua's number. It rang a few times, but couldn't seem to connect. I checked the 'signal' bars like Leorio taught me. However, not one of them were lit. Dang it. Why now...? 

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