Interview 1

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NOTICE: Hello! This chapter is not part of current plot. It's just a little introspection of the current relationships of the characters. I hope you enjoy this short interview with our beloved characters!

MC: Is it working...? Oh great! Let's start shall we?

Aki: Sure.

MC: Let's see. The first question is addressed to Aki Shinikage and Killua Zoldyck.

"What are your thoughts on each other now, as compared to your first impression?"

Aki: Well, I don't think it has changed much. I still think he's an arrogant prick who trusts his skills too much but gets cold feet when the quest difficulty is not according to his analyzation. Still, he's a good strategist. And he's quite rational, I'll give him that. Though, I think he needs to work on his people's skill.

Killua: I'll kill you when we get out of here.

Aki: See? Not much has changed. He's still throwing death threats at me. Even though he professed his love to me at the most recent chapters—ackk hahaha.

Killua: You!! I just said I liked you! What love?!

Aki: Oh! And he's still such a cutie whenever I tease him. Look at that red face.

Killua: Wha—?! W-what cutie?!! You're still the same too! You're still an annoying bastard who's just a little better than me at close combat. Your inflated ego has not departed you, I guess. Plus, you have too many secrets. And you can be such an impossible person to be around. There's still a lot I haven't figured out about you, but I think you're okay... I mean, even though you like to act tough, you can be such a crybaby.

Aki: What?! I'm not a crybaby!

Killua: Hah! Look who's blushing now!

Aki: Is this how you treat someone you like?

Killua: What a cliche question... What do you think?

Aki: ...

MC: Wow! Such chemistry from our guests for tonight! I can see why a lot of our readers ship you two. Speaking of ships, our next question is for the number one fan of the LuAki shipping! Please welcome, Gon Freecs!

"What do you think about the relationship about Aki and Killua going forward?"

Aki: What?! Gon?? I thought it was only Killua and me for tonight?!

Gon: Hello everyone! Um, to answer the question—I think Aki and Killua make a good couple. Thumbs up!! But, I think I'd feel a bit left out if they start to date, haha...

Killua: Gon...

MC: How supportive! You don't mind if they go out? Even though they're 'both' guys?

Gon: Hmm? What does that have to do with anything?

MC: Ah—haha. Pardon me. Why don't we move on to our next question, addressed to Hisoka Morow!

Aki: What?! Hisoka is here?!!

Hisoka: Hello~

Aki: You neglectful bastard—what are you doing here?!

MC: A-ah, please refrain from violent acts while here at the show. Anyway, here goes the question.

"Why did you cut ties with Aki?"

Hisoka: ... That's a secret~

MC: ... Is that it?

Hisoka: ...

MC: O-oh... Um, okay. Let's just move on to the next question, still addressed to Hisoka-san.

"What was your deal with Chrollo?"

Hisoka: ... That's also a secret.

MC: What?

Hisoka: ...

MC: O-oh... Haha, then let's just move on to the last question for Hisoka-san.

"What do you think about the budding romance between Aki and Killua?"

Hisoka: No.

MC: ...

Hisoka: ...

Aki: ...

Killua: ...

Gon: ...

MC: ... Is that it?

Hisoka: ...

MC: I—I see. Let's give a round of applause to our guests for tonight. That's it for this episode, dear readers! Stay tuned for the next release!!

Aki: What?! That's it?? Hisoka didn't even answer any of the questions properly! What kind of interview is this?!

Killua: Why was he even included in the first place? And, is it only me? Why is the room feeling cold?

Gon: ... Killua, I think you should watch your back.

Hisoka: ...

Aki: Hey, you psycho clown—why are you starting at Killua like you're about to kill him?

Hisoka: Hmm~




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