Chapter 8

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Now I know Katie probably wouldn't be able to just stroll into Gotham Academy without going through testing and stuff. But let's just say she did and she was accepted. Also the dates in this timeline are completely inaccurate to the show.

A few weeks later

During the weeks I had been getting ready to go to my brand new school. Tony had handled all the payment and stuff to get me in and I got accepted.
And Today is my going to be my first day at Gotham Academy. The best school in the state. The only bad part of this is that I am going into year nine so everyone in the class will know I'm new. So it will be really awkward. But I'm sure I'll manage.

Every now and then I'd go out at night as Ocelot. I wouldn't commit crimes or save people. I would just run on the rooftops, swing round on things. Feeling the wind in my hair and on my face. And luckily I didn't run into Robin or the Batman once. And sometimes I'd just sit up on the roof and just watch the city at night. I was beautiful. You almost wouldn't believe it was riddled with crime.

I put on my school uniform. I had to wear a white top with a navy blue jacket and skirt. I don't really like skirts but hey, if it means I'm going to a proper school than I don't care. I then try to decide weather I should tie my black hair into a tail or leave it long.
Screw it. I'll leave it long.
I walk out of my room to get breakfast. Tony is asleep on the couch.
I really don't know why he just doesn't move his bed into the lounge room. He passes out there nearly every night.
While I'm eating my bowl of cereal he wakes up and looks at me.

"Ah. Katie. Ready for school I see."


"Well I'm going to have a shower. have fun." He said getting up and walking past me.

"Wait you aren't going to take me."

"Katie. I paid for the super expensive school fees and uniform. Now you want me to spend money on fuel to take you there. I'm sure you can at least walk there. Or catch a bus or something."

I sighed. "Technically I paid for it. But Fine. I'll walk."

To be fair. The academy wasn't that far. Only about 10km. Easy walking distance. I'd get there on time if I left at about...
I look at the clock.
Ten minutes ago.
Oh no. I'm not going to be late on my first day. I grab my bag and sprint out the door.

As I'm walking I get a lot of glances from people on the street. I know why. I'm walking through Poor Gotham with rich clothes. That can attract a lot of unwanted attention.
I pick up my pace hoping I can just get to the academy quickly. But I then notice a guy following me. I look back and he smiles, I see that he is missing teeth. I turn back and keep walking. I get about six feet until he grabs my shoulder.

"Now what's a pretty gir..."

I was about to spun round and punch him, but someone else beat me to it. The man fell to the ground.

"Why don't you just leave the girl alone and get the hell out of here before I beat you!" Ordered the girl.

The guy got up and started backing away.

"Yeah. Yeah. Sure thing lady." He said quickly disappearing.

The blonde haired girl turned back to me.

"Argh the creeps in this city." she said.

"I know right. Um, thanks for that."

"No problem. I see your going to Gotham Academy as well" she states.

I then realise that she is wearing the same uniform as me.

"Oh yeah. I'm just starting today." I say.

"Ha. It's my first day too. I got the annual Wayne scholarship. Names Artemis by the way."

"I'm Katie. And I'm so glad I'm not the only person starting today. What year are you in?"

Artemis and I talked the whole way to the Academy. I quickly learnt that she was a cool tough girl. Sadly she's in the year above me so we won't have any classes together. But I'm sure we will be friends.

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