Chapter 11

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I am on the roof of a toy shop. About to break in.
I seriously can't even think that without laughing. I'm a thirteen turning fourteen year old girl with really good stealth and fighting skills and I'm using those abilities to steal a teddy bear for the Penguin.
I shake my head and enter through the vent. This place doesn't have any alarms or anything like that. Why should it. Who would break into a toy shop.
I land on the floor of the shop and start to look for this bear. I take out the photo I had of it. It's a big grey thing that doesn't really look like your normal teddy.
I keep searching for it in all the rows of teddy's and toy robots.
I finally find the bear. The only one of its kind sitting on a shelf by its self.
I smile and grab it.

"Mission passed." I say.

I turned around and start to head towards the vent. But I suddenly stop and everything in my body just shuts down as I look at a small dog teddy, about the size of a fist, sitting on the shelf.
I remember that dog as my mother handed it to me. Feeling her hand touch my cheek as she kisses my forehead.

"Happy fourth birthday sweetie" she said.

I smile looking at the dog teddy. It's so cute. I hug it, well try to seeing as it's really small.

"Thanks mommy" I say in that high pitched young voice and hug her.

I then remember the years later when I lost the dog. It was the exact same time I lost my mother and step dad. The holiday we were meant to go on. Driving towards the metropolis airport.
The car crashing head first into the other one that was on the wrong side of the road. The vehicle spinning out of control. Everyone in the car screaming.

And then darkness.

Then the bright light of the hospital as the six year old me slowly opened her eyes.

"Mommy." I whispered.

A nurse appeared next to me.

"Oh my. You're awake." She said. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"What happened? Where's my mom?" I ask.

The nurses face darkens.

"You. You were in a car accident. You're. You're parents. They didn't survive the crash." Said the nurse.

Tears well into my eyes and I shove my face into the pillow and sob for many hours.

I suddenly snapped back to reality as I heard something in the vent. Then Robin jumped down from it.

"I never thought you would be one to have a teddy collection." He smiled.

I quickly try to hide all the emotion my face was showing from my flashback.

"Hey Robin. Haven't seen you around lately." I say.

"Been busy" he said. He then pointed towards the bear I was holding. "What's with the bear?"

I think, wondering if I should tell him about Penguin wanting it.

"I don't know. Just thought it would be cool to have one." I lied.

"Nice lie." He said walking up to me.
"You were staring at that dog pretty intensely before." He said. "Is it important?"

"No. It's just a stupid dog. Why would it be important?"

It kind of crushed me just saying that. That dog meant everything to me when I was young.

"Because you broke into a shop just to see it."

"It's nothing."

"Ok. I'm not gonna force you to tell. I mean it's either gonna be something you lost a long time ago. Or maybe a memory of someone. Your mother perhaps."

My eyes widened. How the hell did he know that. How would he know that.

"Listen. I know how it feels to lose parents. I lost both of my parents at a young age." He said.

"You did?"

"Yeah. I know how it feels. You think your alone. That no one knows what your going through. They think that they are being comforting when they say 'I'm sorry for your loss' or 'my condolences' when they really just make you feel worse." Robin said.

I smiled. I could actually relate to that. I got told it a lot. 'You're mother was a great woman' and 'if there's anything you want, I'll give it to you' even though you know they aren't going to give you anything.

"Why are you telling me this Robin?" I ask.

"I don't know. You just seem like a cool girl. I feel like I can tell you this stuff." He answered.

Why did he feel safe enough to tell me this. I'm a bad guy. He shouldn't be saying anything like this. Then there's the real question.

"How did you know I lost my mother?"

"You said 'mom' while you were in your trance." He said.

"I did? Wait. How long were you watching me?" I Asked.

His eyes widened. "Um. Maybe. Since I saw you enter this place." He said scratching the back of his head.

"You perving weirdo." I said and climbed back up the vent. Robin quickly followed. We now both stood on the roof top.

"I'm not a perve." He said.

"Oh really." I smiled.

"No I'm not." He said. "I'm a hero. I'm not really allowed to be a pervert. Kind of breaks the code. I was just doing some stake out to see if you were going to commit a crime."

"Well I did. I broke into a toy shop and stole a bear. You going to arrest me."

"No. Because I did the same thing." He said putting a little dog teddy into my hand.
I looked at it. I was surprised at first. But then I smiled. Then looked up at Robin.

"Why would you take this for me?"

"Like I said. I think you're a cool girl." He said.

There was a small silence between us until Robin spoke up.

"I know another toy shop not far from here. You gonna raid that one too?"

"No. One's good for tonight."

"Well I also know a good diner. Maybe we could get something to eat." Robin said.

"Stealing a toy dog for me may make me think your cool. But it's not enough to have dinner with you." I say walking away.

"Then I'll just have to try harder."

"See ya around Rob" I say and start running and jumping across the buildings.

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