Chapter 29

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Robins POV

"Arrgghh!" I grumbled. Rising out of a bed in the Batcave.

"Ah. Master Dick. Your awake." Alfred was over washing some medical tools.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We aren't sure. Bruce found you on the road bleeding from a bullet wound."

"A bullet wound?"

"Yes. I managed to get the bullet out and patch you up. Your lucky master Dick. The bullet could've pierced your heart or lungs. I don't know if I could've saved you if that happened."

What was I doing last night. All I remember was being on a car. Chasing a guy. And talking to...

"Ocelot!" I exclaimed.

"Excuse me sir?" Said a confused Alfred. "Isn't ocelot the one that robbed us a few weeks ago."

"Alfred. Wheres Batman?"

"He's on the Batcomputer." Answered Alfred.

I jumped out of the bed. And immediately My hands clutched onto my painful chest.

"Ahhhhhh" I grunted.

"Master Dick. Get back in that bed right now!" Alfred ordered walking over and forcing me back into the bed. "You're still recovering from a bullet wound."

"No Alfred. I've got to save her. I have to find her." I said while trying to fight Alfred off me.

"I shall bring master Bruce in here and you can explain the situation to
him." Alfred said letting me go.

He walked out of the room. Then poked his head back in.

"Stay!" He ordered.

I obeyed and sat there, waiting. A few minutes later Bruce walked in.

"Dick. Thank god your okay." He said.

"Yeah yeah. I got shot. That's not important Bats. He took her. He took Ocelot."

Bruce's face fell into a kind of bored look.

"The same Ocelot who stole thousands of dollars worth of stuff from my house."

I sighed. "Yes."

"The same Ocelot who I told you to never even look at again."


"I'm not in my batman gear Dick. Call
Me Bruce."

"Shut up and listen. She was taken by the Assassin, Skull."

"Skull. Why would he want her. I thought he was looking for that Katie girl you like." Said Bruce.

"I don't know. But she's been taken and we have to find her. And save her."

Bruce sighed. "I know. It's our job." He said. "But how do we know it's not some kind of trap?"

"It's not. Trust me." I said.

"Like you trusted her."

My eyes widened. Bruce's face suddenly changed as he realised he pushed the wrong button.

I got up and started walking away. My hands holding my injured chest as I went.

"Dick. I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

I stopped and turned my head back towards him.

"Listen Bruce. If you don't want to save her fine. But I will. I don't care if you take Robin away from me. I don't care if you ground me for my entire life. But I will save her"

At that, I walked out. Slowly and painfully put on my Robin costume, Thanks to my chest. And Zeta'd to the cave.

Katie's POV.
I woke up in a chair. I wasn't chained to it or anything. I was just sitting there. It was actually quite comfortable.
I was in a warehouse somewhere. Probably by the docks because I could hear the occasional boat horn and water splashes.
I stood up. The guy who kidnapped me might still be here somewhere.
I was still in my full uniform except for my belt. Damn. My phone was in one of the belt pockets. I can't call anyone for help.
I saw a door over on the far end of the building. I ran over to it and tried to pry it open. But it wouldn't budge.
I suddenly heard a click on the other side of it. The door swung open knocking me over on the other side. 
It was the skull masked guy. The one who kidnapped me.
He bent over and offered me a hand up.

"Sorry" he said in a flat tone.

I pushed the hand away and got up. I then reactively went into attack mode.
I went for a punch to the gut. But before my hand even reached he stopped it with his and pushed me back.

"Don't try to fight. I'm not here to hurt you." He said.

I frowned.
Not here to hurt me. Then why kidnap me and lock me in a shady looking warehouse. I deserved answers.

"Who are you? Where are we? And why have you taken me?" I asked.

"You are in a warehouse somewhere by the docks." He said.

"I know that."

"Then why did you ask? As for who
I am."

He lifted his hands to his head and took off his mask. He then threw the mask into the floor and ruffled his head with his fingers so his short black hair stood up.  He had a young pale face and wasn't much older than me. Definitely a teenager.

"Hello Katie Simmons." He said. "I'm John Simmons. Your brother."

It took a few seconds for that to sink in. I replayed the sentence in my head a few times before I finally understood.

"BROTHER!" I exclaimed.

I don't have a brother. And if I did. Then I had no idea he even existed.

"But I don't have a brother." I said.

"I'll explain that later. First the answer to your next question. why did I take you Katie. It's because someone really special wants to meet you."

John moved out of the way and a woman walked into the warehouse. My eyes literally exploded out of my head. I almost feinted.

"MOM!!!" I yelled.

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