Chapter 27

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I lay there, On the verge of going to sleep, when I here the scream.

"Get off me. Arrgghhhh." Screamed the young girls voice.

I immediately jumped up and crawled
through the hole. And I was shocked at what I saw. It was a man holding a little girl up against the wall with a knife on her neck. But the little girl wasn't any little street girl. It was Beth.

"Hey!" I yelled "let the girl go!"

The man turned his head towards me.

"Stay out of this lady. This girl stole from me. I'm just trying to get it back. Even if I have to kill her to get it."

"You're not killing anyone. Especially the girl." I said fiercely.

"Really. You want to go there. You think you can take me on. Look at you. I can rip you apart." The man said.

"Sorry but I can't let that happen."

Suddenly the man got ripped away from Beth and smashed right into the ground.
Beth ran straight towards me and hugged me tightly.

"It's you. It's you. You saved me again." She said.

"Aww. No thanks for the muscle." Said Robin.

I gulped when I saw him. I didn't know how to react. I can't be anything like Ocelot.

"Um. Thanks Robin." I said nervously.

"No problem. It's apart of the job." He said walking up to me and Beth. "Now the real question is. What are you two girls doing running around the street at night. It's dangerous out here. Ka... Um. You. You should go back to your wall where your safe."

"How do you know about that?" I asked.

"Hmm. Oh. I'm Robin. I know stuff." He said putting his hands on his hips and puffing his chest.

"You've been spying on me haven't you?" I accused.

It kind of made sense. I still had this assassin after me. And out here I was vulnerable. Maybe Dick told him where I am. They do talk to each other. That's how Dick found out about the assassin.

"Um. Spying. No. I respect people's privacy. Unless they are doing something bad."

"Now. Little girl. Why are you out here alone? Where's your family?"

Beth's eyes widened. she looked up at me and was on the verge of tears.

"I. I don't have any..."

"I'm her family." I interrupted.

Robins eyes widened.

"Really?" He said.

"Yes. I'm her older sister." I grabbed Beth's hand.

"Really. You don't look very alike."

"You don't have to be blood related to be family." I said. "Now if you'll excuse us. We are going back to our 'wall' as you called it."

I turned and walked off. Beth came with me. My hand still with hers. Behind us I heard Robins grapple gun go off and knew he must've flew off onto a building or something.

"Beth. What are you doing out here. Why aren't you at an orphanage or something?"

We were sitting in the wall. I actually liked that name Robin gave it. Beth was huddled up under some blankets. She was obviously scared for her life.

"I escaped." She said. "The other kids there were mean. And I hated it. I knew I wasn't going to get adopted so I ran. I don't know how long I've been out here for. I've just been looking for food and things. Sometimes stole some from other people. That's what led the bad guy to attack me. I know stealing is wrong. But I was just so hungry."

"It's ok Beth. I don't care about the stealing. Trust me I've done a lot of it in my life. But I do care about you're safety."

"I know you do. You did save me from a burning car. And tried to save me from that man before." She said.

"Listen Beth. I live on the streets now as well. I think us girls should stick together. Sound good." I said.

"Oh my god. That sounds awesome. I've been really lonely these past weeks." She said. "And scared. There's big people everywhere and they all carry weapons."

"I know. This is Gotham. But if we stick together. I'm sure we can get through make it."

Yeah-arrgghhh" she yawned mid word.

"Maybe we should get some sleep." I said.

"Yeah. Ok." Beth laid down and was instantly asleep.

Wow. She must've been exhausted.
I laid down next to her and closed my eyes. Slowly drifting off to sleep.

When I woke up. Beth was gone. So were my blankets and food.

"You crafty little... Punk." I said aloud. I then smiled. "You'll survive great out here Beth. You'll be fine."

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