Chapter 10

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I was so happy it was finally lunch. It felt like I hadn't eaten all day. I walked into the cafeteria to see a room crowded with people. I walked over to get my lunch.

"Wow this place is huge" said Artemis appearing behind me.

"Yeah. It's really overwhelming." I replied.

We got our lunch. Which for school cafeteria food looked delicious. My old school serves nothing but slop. But this was solid.
Artemis and I went to look for a table.

"Katie!" Yelled Barbara sitting alone at a table. "Over here"

I looked at Artemis as in asking if she wants to sit there. She nodded and we both walked over there and sat down.

"Hey Barbara. This is Artemis." I said.

"You're the girl that Dick took a random selfie with." Said Barbara.

"Yeah. Um. Do you know why did he actually did that?" Asked Artemis.

"I don't know why he does anything. He's just like that."

"I'm like what Babs?" Dick said sitting next to her. "I hope you're not spreading bad rumours about me."

"Everything about you is a bad rumour." Said Barbara.

Dick smiled and looked at me.

"Hey sorry about that stuff in English. I got a bit carried away."

"Really" I sarcastically said. "Oh don't worry teach I'm just talking to my girl" I said mockingly.

"Really Dick?" Said Barbara. "That's low. Even for you."

"I said I was sorry. I don't know what else I can do." Said dick.

"How about, don't say anything like that about me ever again. Or I might have to beat you." I threatened.

Dick shrugged. "Try harder. I'm used to that."

My eyes widened. Does he get beaten at home or something.
The bell rang signalling the end of lunch.

Dick stood up. "Well I catch you guys later. I've got Geography."

"Arghh" I grumbled. "So do I."

Dick sat next to me again. Can't this kid tell that I don't want to be around him.

"Hello class. Today we are watching a documentary about animals in the wildlife. Please pay close attention to the destruction of their habitats."

"Another movie?" I mumbled.

"Yeah. Katie its day one back at school. It's pretty much movies all day." Dick said leaning back in his chair. "But be careful because tomorrow we will be hit hard with work."

The movie started. And at first
It just showed a bunch of random animals going through their daily lives. But then there was a super interesting scene involving an Ocelot. It was chasing a bird and managed to break its wing. It then pounced on the bird and killed it.
I moved forward, interested. Beside me I saw Dick move back. He mustn't like animals getting killed or something.

After geography I had PE. And had to go to the change rooms. Sadly I had no idea where they were and had no Barbara to guide me. So I was already late before I had found them. I quickly got changed into my PE uniform which was a yellow top and pretty much whatever sport pants you want.
I ran out onto the field.

"Sorry I'm late. I got lost." I told the coach.

The coach held up his hand to silence me. "They're doing to laps of the jogging track. They've nearly finished the first." He said not even looking at me. "I suggest you catch up."

My eyes widened and I started running. Good thing I was really fit because I did manage to catch up. But still came last.
I stood there trying to catch my breath.
When Barbara and Dick walked over.

"Wow Katie, you can run" said Barbara.

"Thanks" I breathed. "I've done a lot of it."

"Stop chatting and join in the fitness exercises you three." Yelled the coach.

We walked over and started doing push ups and sit ups and crunches and planks and some wired bicycle thing and sprints.
I was completely stuffed. And so was the rest of the class. Luckily that was the last class of the day.

I said goodbye to Barbara, Artemis, and ,I don't know why, Dick and then started walking home.

When I walked through the front door Tony was there to greet me.

"Are you tired from your first day?" He asked.

I'd recovered from the PE lesson. So yeah I was good.

"Yeah." I said.

"Good. I've got you another job. You're going to break into a toy shop."

"A what?"

"A toy shop. There's a teddy bear in there. Penguin wants to do something and he needs that bear. So I said you can get it."

"Really. I'm gonna steal a teddy bear."


"Ok. So how do I know what bear it its."

Tony handed me a photo of it.

"Be ready by 11:00"

The Hero and The Villain (a young justice fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now