Chapter 47

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Wayne tower had turned into a war zone. There were police surrounding the area, under fire from the league of assassins in the building.
Gotham had been evacuated except for the police who chose to stay. But their numbers were slowly thinning due to the constant fire upon them.
Batman and Red Tornado were helping out on the ground where they could. Trying to protect and take out as many people they could.
As for the team. We were exiting the Bio-ship on the roof of the tower.
Hard to think that this was the exact same place Dick told me he was Robin.

"Meghan. Establish link." Kalder said.

"Link established." Meghan's said in everyone's mind.

"Ok. The bomb is on the sixth floor. That's twenty floors down from here." Robin informed. "And we got bad guys on almost every floor."

"Dude. That's gonna be a lot of fighting." Kid flash said.

"And on top of that. The bomb is gonna go off in under three hours." Kalder stated.

"Then let's stop talking and let's get down there!" Superboy exclaimed rather angrily.

We ran towards the door leading to the stairs. Kalder was about to open the door.

"Wait. Stop." Superboy ordered.

But Kalder had already pulled the handle, that triggered an explosive that blasted us all back.
I landed on something soft. When I looked at what I landed on I saw Robin staring at me in pain.

"Nice landing." He groaned.

"Oh god sorry." I said rolling off him.

Three ninjas with swords jumped out of the exploded doorway. One jumped towards us and Robin and I barely dodged its sword as it smashed into the ground where we lay.
I jumped up but had to quickly duck away from another sword swing. I had to step back as he did a jab at me but that created an opening in his defence. So I managed to get a few punches in on his torso and face. The ninja staggered for a few seconds.
Suddenly two arrows hit the ninjas chest and it became trapped inside foam.
I looked over to see Artemis and Roy had both fired.

"Hey. I had that one." Artemis complained.

"If doesn't matter. We need to keep moving." Roy angrily said.

"Meghan. Re-link us." Kalder ordered.

"Oh right. Sorry. The heat from the explosion messed me up a bit. Link back online."

The others had already taken out the other two ninjas so we ran back towards the doorway and started down the stairs.
We got about four floors down when we reached a road block. The assassins had set up a blockade, on the steps.
As soon as we came into view they opened fire.

"Back up. Back up!" Robin exclaimed.

"Through here." Roy instructed opening a door. We all ran out of the stairwell.

"Robin. What floor are we on?" Kalder asked.

Robin checked his holo-glove.

"We've only made it to floor twenty-two. We've still got sixteen left and two hours till that bomb goes off." Robin reported.

"We will have to find an alternative method of getting down." Kalder said looking around the room.

"What about the elevator?" I suggested.

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