Chapter 9

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I walked through the front gates and I was blown away by how big this place was. It was huge. There was the entrance courtyard. The main building (which was three floors high). A hall for assemblies and concerts. And a jogging track.
That was about ninety percent more than what my other school had.
I looked over at Artemis and saw that she was just as amazed as I was.
A girl with blonde hair walked towards us.

"Hi I'm Bette. Welcome to Gotham academy."

"Thanks. Hi. I'm Artemis"

"I'm Katie."

Next thing a boy with black hair walked up to Artemis with a phone and took a selfie.

"We'll laugh about this someday" he said.

He then quickly ran away.

"Um. Who was that?" Asked Artemis.

"A freshman. Ignore him." Said Bette.

"Um. We're freshman." I said.

"Oh. Uh yeah. Follow me Artemis. I'll show you around. Um Katie I think Barbara Gordon is meant to get you settled in." Bette said.

"Barbara Gordon? The commissioners daughter."

Bette nodded and walked off with Artemis. A red haired girl then walked up to me.

"Hi. Are you Katie?" She asked.

"Um yeah. Katie Simmons"

"I'm Barbara. I'm here to show you around the school."

"Oh ok cool" I said.

"Good follow me."

Barbara showed me where the classes are, the music room, the gym and countless other places. Until we reached the lockers.

"This is where your locker is. Right next to mine." She smiled. Then immediately removed the smile. "Oh. And next to Dicks."


"Richard Dick Grayson. At your service." I turned to see the boy who took the photo with Artemis. "And you are?"

"Katie. Katie Simmons" I said crossing my arms. Something told me I wasn't going to like this guy.

"Welcome to Gotham Academy Katie." He then looked at Barbara "I hope Barbara hasn't been boring you with her tour."

"Oh ha, ha" said Barbara.

"I'm just saying. Remember that kid who kept trying to run away from you because you were boring him with details about the music room." Dick said.

"Yeah." Barbara laughed. "He kept trying. But I never let him."

After that there was an awkward silence. Then the bell rang.

"So what class you got first Katie?" Asked Barbara.

"Um." I said looking at my timetable.

"Hey same. I'll take you there." Said Barbara.

"Well I got science. So I'll see you later babs. And I hope I'll see you Katie." He said winking at me and walking off.

"Does he flirt with everyone?" I asked.

"Pretty much, yeah." Said Barbara.

I thought I was good at math. I was completely wrong. The first five minutes and I was lost. Didn't know what anything meant.
How the heck does that even make sense.

"Arghh" I grumbled.

"You having trouble?" Barbara, who was sitting right next to me, asked.

"Yeah. This makes no sense at all." I say.

"It's easy. You just plus them together." She said writing numbers on my page.
"Then you times that. Take away that. And there's your answer."

"Barbara. I have absolutely no idea how you did that."

"I'm a bit of a geek." She said.

"Is there a problem Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Simmonds?"

"Uh. No sir." I said.

"Then I suggest you continue with your work."

Barbara went back to her work while I sat there and stared at mine.
I was so happy when the bell rang.

"What do you have now?" Asked Barbara.

"English." I answered.

"Oh. I've got history. I'll quickly take you to the English room." Said Barbara.

I got to the English room, Said goodbye to Barbara and sat down. Everyone else began to sit down and the class started.

"Good morning class. Today we are going to be watching scenes from a movie. At the end I want you to pick your favourite scene and write an essay about it." The teacher said.

Just as he was about to start the film Dick Grayson walked in.

"Sorry I'm late. Got caught up." He said.

"I suggest you take a seat Mr Grayson."

Sadly the entire room was filled except for one chair. One chair that just happened to be next to me.

"Katie. How's it going." He said with a smile and sat down.

"Fine." I said crossing my arms.

"Ok. Cool. I hope Babs didn't harass you with her maths terms."

"Mr Grayson. Please be quiet." Said the teacher.

"Oh yeah sorry teach. I was just talking to my girl here." Dick said.

There was some snickering from around the class.
I glared at Dick. What did he just call me. 'His girl'. I would have attacked him right then and there if we were on the streets of Gotham.
Dick looked at me and smiled like he was satisfied with my response.
I just turned forward and watched the movie.

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