Chapter 15

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I slowly put on my school clothes. I didn't go to school for a few days so my injuries could heal better. It had become easier to move but I was still very stiff. And I had a giant bruise on my stomach. Every time I bent over a excruciating pain would go straight to my gut. I think I had seriously injured something there.
After I managed to get dressed I had breakfast then walked to school. I was hoping I didn't run into trouble on the way there. I was in no shape for a fight. But Sure enough two guys started following me. I started to walk faster but they slowly gained on me.
One reached out and tried to grab my shoulder but I quickly turned and punch him in the face. The punch connected perfectly and the guy went flying. But I turned to fast and a huge pain went into my gut.

"Woah" the other guy said

Seeing his friend on the ground he looked at me. I made a threatening glare at him and he turned and ran away.
I smiled weakly, still gripping my painful stomach and continued walking to school.

"Katie are you alright? Your moving really awkwardly." Barbara asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said getting my books out of my locker.

"Are you sure?" Asked Dick.

"Yeah I'm good." I started walking and accidentally dropped some books.
I bent down to pick them up.

"Ahhh" I grunted clutching a hand to my stomach.

Dick got down and picked up the books I dropped. I went to take them from him but he somehow took the rest of the books I was holding from my hands.

"Hey!" I exclaim.

"Katie. You're not well. I'll carry your books for you." Said Dick.

"Dick I'm fine."

"No your not. No come on or we'll be late for class." Dick said.

I don't like people doing things for me. Especially when I'm injured. It just makes me feel weak. But I knew Dick wasn't going to let me carry the books so I just let him take them.

"What did you do to yourself?" Dick asked. "You've been gone for days."

"I was sitting on the fire escape rail. When I fell of it and landed on the ground. Broke a few bones." I said.

That was the story I'd came up with. I knew someone was going to ask me how I got hurt.

"Wow. How high up were you?" Said Barbara who was walking behind us.

"Only on the second floor. So I didn't get too badly hurt."

"Too badly. Katie you missed four days of school and you still haven't healed yet. You can't bend over." Said Dick.

"Yeah. I know. But I'll be fine. Anyway. How did we go on that geography thing?" I asked.

"Badly." Dick said.

"How badly?"

"We got top marks."

My eyes widened. "How's that bad you dummy? And how did we manage to get top marks?"

"We're just that good." Dick smiled.

Dick and I went into history while Barbara went to science. When we got there we were late.

"Mr. Grayson and Mrs. Simmons. You're late." Said the teacher.

"Yeah sorry sir. We got held up." We said taking a seat.

Dick placed my books on my table.

"Thanks" I said.

"No problem" Dick smiled and winked.

I smiled and kind of blushed at the stupid wink. Why does he do that.


After school Barbara invited me to her place so she could help me with my maths. My worst subject.
She lived In a small but nice looking house.
We went inside and went straight to Barbara's bedroom.
She had a simple room. A bed in the corner. A desk filled with paper that had writing and maths stuff on it. A bookshelf and some draws and cupboards.

"So" Barbara said sitting on her bed. "What's going on between you and Dick?"

"What?" I say.

"Oh come on. He worries about your injury. Carries your books to class for you. There's gotta be something going on."

"No there isn't. That's just stupid." I say. "Anyway. Why would someone with that much money like a poor person like me. There's way more prettier girls in the school then me."

"Yeah but have you seen any of them actually talk to Dick. They just kind of look at him from a distance." Said Barbara.

She had a point. All the girls in the class just sit in the back of the room and admire Dick from a distance. They never actually walked up and talked to him.

"So he doesn't talk to the girls. Why does that make you think he likes me?"
I said.

"Because you talk to him. Hell you've been to his house." Said Barbara.

"So have you."

"Yeah. But I'd known him for years before I went there. He'd only known you for a week. And like Artemis and I said. First you go to his house.
I wonder when you'll start dating."

"We aren't going to start dating." I said.

"Oh yes you will. Trust me. I know this stuff."

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever you say barb. Now are we gonna do this maths stuff or not."

"I like how you said we. When we both know I will be sitting here doing it and you'll just be daydreaming."

I passed the math books to Barbara.

"Well at least you understand the system."

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