Chapter 25

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Dicks POV

I just stood there. Right at the window she disappeared from with her bag full of loot. Thousands of Bruce's money stolen by the girl I had a huge crush on.
She promised me. She promised no more crime. How could she just get up and do this. I thought I meant more to her. I thought I could trust her. But maybe Batman was right, as usual,
you can't trust a villain.

Bruce appeared behind me.

"What did she steal?" I asked.

"A lot. Jewels, gems, miniature statues, even Ra's Al Ghul's life lapis."

"A what?"

"I can be used to bring back the dead. But I doubt she knows what it is. Let alone how to use it." Bruce explained.

Bruce walked up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Listen Dick..."

I quickly shook his hand off.

"I know what you're going to say ok. I'm an idiot for not capturing her ages ago. I'm an idiot for thinking I could trust her."


"I'm an idiot for thinking she cared about me enough to give up a life of crime."

"You're not an idiot Richard." Bruce comforted.

"Yes I am Bruce! I'm the biggest idiot there is. I let my emotions towards someone stop me from doing what's right." I said. "And now Ocelots gotten away with so much. She even has a way to resurrect the dead."

"Dick. If you are an idiot because you got a crush on a criminal. Then I shouldn't even be smart enough to turn on a TV."

"What?" I said confused.

"Do you know how many times I've let Catwoman escape with millions of dollars because I like her. Or what about Thalia. How many times have I let her go even though she and her fathers cult have threatened to destroy Gotham multiple times."

I looked at Bruce. He's never been this open with me.

"Dick. Love is a strange thing. It can create something beautiful, or even destroy it. It can completely change a man. Turn them into something good. Or something bad."

"Bruce where are you going with this?"

"To be honest. I don't know. I'm not really good with all This talking stuff." Bruce said leaning on the window sill. "Just don't beat yourself up because love got the better of you. It gets the better of all of us. Even me."

I smiled and looked out the window. Out into past the wall and into the lightened city of Gotham.

"Now if you'll excuse me. I have some insurance calls to make. Don't stay up late." Bruce said, getting up and walking away.

Bruce's speech had helped me feel way better. I actually liked it when he comforted me.
But then there's still ocelot. She still betrayed me.
I remember when she made that promise only a few days ago. I remembered that amazing kiss that Batman interrupted. She had wrapped her arms around me and kissed back.
I liked to think that that kiss was kind of like the contract to the promise.
And she had broken the promise right in front of me.
I guess a Hero and a Villain can't be together.


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