Chapter 14

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Katie's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see a rocky ceiling and the dripping of water in the background.
I tried to sit up but immediately fell back down from the immense pain in my gut.

"Hey. Hey. Don't try to sit up." Said Robin. "You've got some pretty badly cracked ribs and a painful stomach."

"Robin?" I said. "what happened?"

"You got a big powerful punch from Bane."

I suddenly remembered Catwoman coming to me for help. Bane had been sent to kill her and she couldn't take him on alone. So I agreed and then some stuff happened. Batman and robin showed up and now I wake up here. Wait where was here.

"Robin where am I?" I asked.

"You're safe. In the Batcave." He answered.

"You have a cave?"

"Yeah. It's where we live. Me and Batman." Explained Robin.

"Oh. So why am I here and not at a hospital?" I asked.

"Oh Please." Robin scoffed. "We can treat any wound better than any hospital. We even did a full scale surgery in here once. But your wounds are gonna take a while to heal. Cracked ribs especially."

I tried to imagine Robin doing surgery on me in this cave. Cutting me open and pulling out organs and stuff. Kind of like surgeon simulator.
But what if he saw under my mask. What if he took it off while I was unconscious.

"Robin. Did you look under my mask?"

"No. Batman wanted to but Catwoman sat here all night so he wouldn't. And in the end convinced him not to."

"Catwoman sat here all night."

"For about seven of the eight hours you were out." Said Robin.  "She was quite fond of you. Didn't want us to know anything about you."

I can't believe that Catwoman stayed just to keep my identity safe. I didn't think she'd ever do that.

"So when are you going to let me get up?" I asked.

"When you're fit enough to be able to."

I then tried to rise up again.

"Oww." I muttered as I went back down.

"Hey. Don't try to hurt yourself. This is a time for healing." Said Robin. "Now are you hungry?"

As soon as he said that my stomach rumbled really loudly.

"I guess that's a yes" he said.


I wasn't able to sit up for another three hours. Even when I managed to it still hurt a lot. Eventually I made it out of the bed and Robin started giving me a tour of the Batcave.

"And this coin was from Two-face. He tried to kill Batman with it. But failed of course."



"Why do you have a trophy room in your big secret cave?"

Robins eyes widened. "Um. I don't really know. It was already here before I became Batmans sidekick and I never questioned it. It is kind of stupid when you think about it. No ones ever going to see this stuff."

"I just like to keep a record of past battles."

I jumped back in surprise. When the heck did batman get beside me.

"How's the stomach?" Batman asked.

"Getting better." I answered.

"Good because you're leaving." He said walking away. "Come with me."

"What's his problem?" I asked Robin.

"He doesn't like criminals inside his home base."

"Oh yeah. I guess that makes sense."

Robin and I followed batman back to his little medical room. Batman then held out a small needle.

"Whoa. What are you going to do to me." I said. I hate needles.

"It's going to knock you unconscious. Don't worry. It's safe." Said batman.

"And why do I have to be unconscious?"

"So you can't see the way to the Batcave." The bat answered

"Can't you just blindfold me or something."

"No" batman said.

Robin put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry. It'll be ok. I promise." He said.

I looked at Robins hand on my shoulder. Then looked back to his face.

"Ok. But I better not wake up in some random place." I said.

"No promises." Batman said jabbing me with the needle.
Everything started to go dark.

Then it went bright again. I was on the couch of someone's living room.

"Oh you're awake." Said a blonde haired woman.

I instantly stood up. Then grabbed my gut. Right. It still hurts.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

God dammit. Where did they take me.

"Katie clam down. My names Selina Kyle."

"Catwoman?" I said.

"Yeah. Welcome to my apartment"

The apartment was bigger than Tony's but had the same amount of rooms. Two bedrooms, a kitchen, bathroom and a lounge. But it was much cleaner than Tony's.

Selina brought out a bowl of cookies. I happily ate them. I was still hungry even after all the food Robin gave me. I ate out half the Batcave.

"Thank you Selina." I said.

"For what?"

"For staying with me all night. For not letting batman find out my identity. For letting an unconscious me stay on your couch and for the cookies. These are great." I said.

"It's ok kid. It was my fault you got hurt. So I did what I thought was right. I should never have asked you to help me fight Bane."

I stayed at selina's house for the rest of the day. We just sat down and talked and laughed. It was really fun. Eventually, when it became night again she took me back to Tony's (as Catwoman of course) and explained what happened to me. I then went to bed. And went fell unconscious for the third time today.

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