Chapter 28

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Robin is avoiding me.

It took me a few more days after the Beth incident. But I finally put back on the suit. But I wasn't commiting crimes. I was stopping it. I was being a new vigilante.
But over the last couple of nights. I've seen him.
He would be swinging towards me with his grappling gun until he'd see me and quickly change his course and swing away.
I would be fighting a bunch of guys and I would see him up on the rooftops. He wouldn't come down to help. He would just stay for a few seconds then leave.
What is going on. Why is he acting like this. I need an answer. And tonight I'm going to get one.

I was just sitting down on a building when I saw him running on a distant rooftop. I got up and gave chase. Trying to catch up with him. I was so close. He wasn't moving very fast and he hadn't noticed me. I used my stealth skills to get closer and closer until I was on the same building as him. But for absolutely no reason he turned his head. His mask met mine.
I could see he was getting ready to run. But why was he going to run. Why was he trying to stay away from me.

He turned and started a fast dash forward.

"Robin please." I cried out. He stopped. Only making it a few steps. "Robin. What's going on? Why are you avoiding me?"

He turned and looked at me.

"Why did you do it Ocelot?" He said in a pained tone. "You promised me. No more crime."

My eyes widened. He knew what I'd done.

"And it had to be Wayne Manor. Of all places. You choose Wayne Manor"

"Robin I..."

"No. I don't want to hear it. And I don't need to right now. I'm sorry Oce. Whatever we had between us. Can't be anymore. I'm under strict orders not to speak to you or even see you. And I plan to follow them. Or I'll be hanging up the Robin costume for a while."


"No. Goodbye Ocelot. Im sorry."

I had tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe this was happening. How could I have been such an idiot.

"But Robin. I. I still really you." I burst out. "Without you Ocelot is nothing." I yell. And start Running towards him.

He turns around and pushes me away.

"Well I don't love you. I've met someone else. She's nice, Smart and doesn't go around robbing people of everything they own!" He yelled. "Goodbye Ocelot. This will be the last time we talk. Unless I have to fight you." He said.

Robin then ran off along the buildings. As he disappeared in the distance I dropped to the ground and started punching it.

"Stupid. Stupid. You're an idiot. Your a stupid idiot Ocelot." I grunted while punching to cement rooftop.

I suddenly felt a jab in the side of my neck. My hands went to it and I pulled out a tranquilliser bullet.
Who would try to tranquillise me.
My mind started go all fuzzy. I rolled over onto my back.
A figure walked towards me and looked down at my face. All I saw was a blurry skull. The man bent down to grab me.

"No." I muttered weakly. "Stay away..."

Then everything went dark.

Robins POV

That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I felt horrible telling her that stuff. But Batman ordered me to not be with her or I can't be Robin. And she broke the promise.
But now I feel broken as I stand behind a billboard not far from where I left her and watch. Watch her beat the ground with her fist.
It was terrible. I was terrible. I wanted to go back. I wish I could just say.
'Hey. That was all just a joke. I still want to be with you.'
But I can't do that. I can't do anything.

I get up and am about to leave when I notice something strange.
Oce stopped punching the ground and had grasped her neck. She pulled something out of it and then fell onto her back.
Then a man walked out.

"Oh no. No no no." I said silently.

It was the assassin ,Skull, Bats and I had called him.
He stood over her body for a few seconds. He then reached down, picked her up and carried her on his shoulders.
I got up and started running towards them. No way was I gonna let him get away with her.

Skull started climbing down a fire escape he was slow. But I guess anyone would be if they were carrying a body.
I got to the fire escape easily. But he was already down to the last ladder.
I jumped down off the roof and landed on a balcony. A couple that were standing there screamed.

"Excuse me." I said.

I then jumped to the ground and landed right in front of the assassin.

"Put her down." I ordered Skull.

He just looked at me. Then pulled out a pistol.

"Try harder kid." He said and started firing.

I quickly duck behind cover to avoid the bullets. When I look up from the cover I see him running down the alley.
I give chase. He sees me and just starts blindly firing backwards.

"Oh god. Oh god." I say to myself as I hope to god I don't get hit.

The bullets stop and I see the guy reload his gun by simply slamming it into the next cartridge hanging on his belt.
The bullets then start again.
He runs onto the main road and jumps onto the roof of a passing car. The car screeches to a halt. Skull flips over to the side and smashes the driver side window.

"Get out!" He yells.

The person fearfully does as told. And Skull throws Oce into the back seat of the car and gets in. The engine starts and I jump on the roof of the car. The car starts driving forward. Suddenly a sword goes straight through the roof and nearly stabs me.
I think that means he knows I'm on his roof.
The sword goes back into the car and then comes straight back out. A little bit ahead of me. The sword goes back in. Then it jabs straight back out just cutting the outside of my left arm.

"Arghh" I grunt. Clenching my teeth to hold the pain.

The sword goes back in. I have to make my move now. I quickly swing down onto the driver side window.
But he must've knew what I was doing. Because his gun was waiting there.
I was pushed off the car by the impact off the bullet. I don't know where it hit. I didn't know anything. As I slammed onto the road and skidded across it for several metres. Then I fell unconscious. And Ocelot was lost.

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