Chapter 4

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Robins POV

That's right. I'm doing POV's now. You can't stop me. This is my story. But I don't own any characters.
Anyway. On with the story.

Robins POV

"How's your eyes?" Batman asked me.

After the little incident at the jewellery store. Batman decided that we should retire our capes for the night.

"A little better. I can see again." I said rubbing my eyes. "That girls got some powerful pepper spray."

"The problem is that you allowed her to use it." Said Batman.

"And you allowed her to escape. With a very expensive Ruby." I rebutted.

"Hmm. I guess your right. We both made mistakes. One of mine was letting you take her alone." The bat said

"Hey I nearly had her. She just got lucky."

Batman sat down at his massive high powered computer. "There is no such thing as luck. It's late Dick. Time for bed."

"Ok. What are you gonna do?" I asked.

"Research." Was all he said and he immediately started typing into the computer.

I took of my Robin suit and hanged it up in a cabinet where we keep all of our suits. There were a lot of them.

I walked up the stairway and opened a door that was also part bookshelf.
Wayne Manor is a huge building. It would take me about four minutes just to get to my bedroom. Not counting the little stop in the kitchen to get a snack.
When I entered the kitchen I saw Alfred, still wide awake and still cleaning.

"Master Grayson." He said in his British voice. "Have you been crying?"

"No. No. Not tears alf. Pepper spray." I answered.

"My word. Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm good. Just a bit hungry."

Alfred turned around and in seconds turned back with a fully made sandwich.

"There you are Master Grayson."

"Wow. Thanks alf." I said.

I was always amazed at how Alfred could do stuff so fast. He was old but he could clean really fast like the flash on steroids.

"Bruce having another late night?" Alfred asked.

I nodded. My face full of bread.
"He said he's doing research or something."

"Hmm. And was he right about someone taking the Ruby?"

Bruce had a hunch that someone would steal the Ruby. And he was right. As usual.

"Yeah. Some girl took it. The same one that sprayed me. Ocelot was her name."

"Oh I'll never get used to these silly names people give themselves." Said Alfred.

"Hey. I named myself Robin." I said, a little offended.

"Yes yes. I didn't say all names. I said some. Like killer moth for example"

"Heh" I laughed. Killer moth is one of the weakest villains out there.

"Alright master Grayson. Time for bed."

"Yeah. I'm going. Nice talking to ya Alfred."

I then proceeded to my bedroom.
When I reached my room I laid down in my bed. I looked over at my clock on my beside table, 2:40. My eyes still kinda stung. I'd never been hit with pepper spray before and I never want to again.
Over and over again the same question was racking my brain. But then I was also answering them.
Who is that girl?
Why haven't I seen her before?
She said she's new
How was she able to take me down?
She has training
Why did she seem so cute?
Wait? Cute? Well she was kind of hot. Maybe that's why she got away. I was to distracted. I wasn't thinking straight during the fight.
I smiled at all the excuses I was making in my head. During the debate I slowly dozed off. Letting sleep take me.

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