Chapter 37

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I walked into Wayne Manor. My new home for the time being.
Dick walked in beside me.

"C'mon. I rang ahead and had Alfred make a room for you." Dick said taking my hand and dragging me up the stairs.

He led me to a bedroom that had a huge queen sized bed, Wardrobes, a television, bedside tables and a whole lot more stuff that I didn't even know their functions.

"So this is your room." Dick said. "I know it's not much. But."

"Not Much!" I stared wide eyed at Dick. "Have you seen my old room. Or the Wall. This is a little to much Dick."

Dick smiled. "Wait until you see the joining bathroom."

He opened another door that led into a sparkling white bathroom.

"Yeah. This is Overwhelming." I said.

"Woah now Katie. Stay whelmed. It's only a bedroom. Nothing 'over' about it." Dick said walking towards the exit. "Now my room is just across the hall" he said pointing to a door on the opposite side of mine. "I'll be in the lounge if you need anything. For now, just make yourself at home."

And at that Dick left. I immediately turn around and flopped onto the bed. The thing was huge. Almost bigger than my entire room at Tony's place.
Well that might be an exaggeration but it sure felt that big.
I walked over to the curtains and pulled them apart so I could see the world outside. It was then that it dawned on me. The walls with barb wire around the perimeter. The guard dogs that were eating out of bowls outside.
How on earth am I going to go out as Ocelot. Every night I'd have to break out then break back in. How was I going to answer mission calls from the team. How was I going to see Robin again. How was I going to be Ocelot ,crime fighting vigilante, from behind these walls.
I sighed and stepped away from the window. Dismissing the thought. I guess that's a job for future Katie.
I walked out of my new room and started walking down the hall.

"If she finds out. I can't tell you how much trouble you will be in." I heard Bruce's voice say.

I stopped just before the doorway that lead into another hall. I peeked my head forward to see down the hall. Bruce and Dick were standing there talking.

"She's not gonna find out Bruce." Said Dick.

"You managed to. She's smart. Why wouldn't she be able to."

"Because I'll make sure of it. I'll keep tracks on her at all times"

"Well your not doing a very good job at it." Bruce said turning his head right towards me. "Katie. Stop hiding behind the wall. You have no reason to hide."

Slowly I stepped out into the doorway. And locked eyes with Dick and Bruce. What were these two talking about? What were they hiding?

"Oh hey Katie. I was just on my way to check on you." Dick said. Then silently mouthed. "You think she heard?"

"Of course she heard." Bruce replied not so silently.

"I'm sorry. I can just pretend I heard nothing." I said nervously. "No one has to get in trouble."

"Woah no. Calm down. No one is in trouble. And you can't pretend you heard nothing. We might as well tell you the full story." Said Bruce.

"Wait. What?" Said a surprised Dick.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

Bruce sighed heavily. "I. I. May have gotten really drunk last night."

My expression softened.

"That's it. Well that's not so bad."

"Oh no. It gets worse." Dick smirked.

Bruce turned his head and glared down at his ward.

"What do you mean it got worse?"

"Oh of course you don't remember. You were so drunk I'm surprised you didn't cook your hand when you put the lamp on the stove." Dicks smirk got wider.

"You tried to cook a lamp?" I asked trying to contain my smile.

"Hmm. I don't remember it." Bruce said still glaring at Dick.

"Oh but it doesn't stop there..."

"I'm pretty sure it does Dick." Said Bruce.

"What. No no. I've got to tell her apart the part when you put your...."

Bruce lightly shoved Dick to make him shut up. "That never happened Richard. I got drunk, that's it."

"How would you know. You were out of it." Dick laughed. "Anyway. Katie you hungry. I could go for a snack. Mind joining me in the kitchen." He said holding out his hand to me.

When Dick mention snacks my stomach grumbled.

"Um yeah. I could go for some food." I said taking Dicks hand and walking out of the hall. I then quickly poked back in.
"It's ok Bruce." I smiled. "Everyone does stupid stuff when they're drunk."

I heard Bruce sigh as I walked away.

"So. How do you like you're new room?" Dick asked.

"I love it. The bed is so big and I have a TV and I have space to move and everything. It's great."

"Well glad you like it." Dick smiled. "I hope you have a fun time here Katie. Oh and just one thing. Don't walk around at night."

"Um. Why?" I asked pretending I don't already know.

"Well we activate the alarms at night. They consist of motion detectors, lasers and automatic closing doors."

"Oh. Alright. You always have those things on. Every night?"

"We do now. You know how I told you we had a break in recently."

I nodded. Knowing very well that there was a break in here.

"Well since then we've had them on all night, every night. But don't worry. None of the defences are lethal. The dogs outside. Ha. They have been trained to not even bite. Only to scare."

Wow. That info would have really helped me when I broke into this place.
But it will help me tonight.

When I break out.

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