Chapter 44

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"So what are we looking for?" I asked as Robin and I ran across the rooftops.

"Anything suspicious that might lead us to your Mother." He answered.

"Ok. What might be classed as suspicious?"

Robin stopped. "I don't know. Your Brother running away with a case might be suspicious."

He pointed to another building and sure enough there was my brother, in his skull mask with a green glowing case.

"Alright. Let's get him." I said and started towards him. But Robin held his arm out to stop me.

"Woah. Slow down Oce. We'll just follow him from a distance. He might lead us to his base." He said.

"Alright. Sounds smart."

"Of course it does. I said it." Robin smirked.

I rolled my eyes. Robin pressed on the radio device in his ear.

"Batman. We have found skull and he seems to be carrying something dangerous." He radioed.

There was a silence while Batman was replying to Robin.

"Uh huh. Yep. Understood." Robin then took his finger off the radio and turned to me. "We just gotta follow him. Batman will join us as fast as he can."

I nodded and we started chasing after my Brother but making sure to keep a large enough distance between us so he had less chance of seeing or hearing us.

We had followed him from building to building, nearly gone through most districts of Gotham when he stopped and dropped down into an alley. But the alley was a dead end.
We watched from the rooftop as he just stood there and stared at a wall.

"What is he doing?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe he's really dumb." Robin answered.

"If I'm dumb then how could I have noticed you two following me twenty blocks ago."

We quickly turned around and saw Skull standing there.
Confused, I looked back down the alley. He was still standing down there looking at the wall.
I looked back to the skull behind us.

"What. Never seen a hologram before dear sister." He said. I could feel his sneer under his mask.

Robin pulled out a birdarang and threw it at him. Skull simply stepped to the side and it flew past him.

"Really. The great Ra's al Ghul taught us to dodge that move on day one."

"Really. Well dodge this." Robin said and lunged his entire body at him.

Skull literally caught Robin in mid air and threw him away.

"So wreakless." Skull taunted, "reminds me of someone else I know."

I got out my pepper spray and ran at him. I did a decoy punch, which he blocked easily, then brought in my other hand and quickly sprayed his eyes.
But he didn't even flinch. Instead he laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Seriously. There's a protective layer of plastic on my mask's eyes." He stated.

I saw that Robin was sneaking up behind him. I had to keep him busy.
So I went for another punch. He grabbed my arm and twisted it.

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