Chapter 49

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Katie sat next to me on the rooftop. We were talking and laughing. It was fun.
Katie then hugged me and kissed me on the check, while pressing something into my hand.
I looked at the hand to see what was in it. A little blue gem.

"Katie. What's this?"

She smiled.

"I'm sure you're smart enough to figure it out." She said and then slowly faded away.

I tried grabbing her fading body. I didn't want her to leave. But it was no use. She continued to disappear.

I looked back at the gem she put in in my hand. It looked familiar.
Realisation hit my face.

My eyes flew open and I sat up in bed.
I lifted up my now empty hand and looked at where the gem was in my dream.

"Dream Katie. You genius. The Life Lapis."

I looked at my clock. 3:04 am. Still dark. Almost immediately I jumped out of bed and ran down to the Batcave. I changed into my Robin suit, got on my bike and rode off into Gotham.

I stopped outside of Katie's dads apartment. As usual the street was wreaked and filled with sly looking people even at 3:20 in the morning.

I climbed up the fire escape and entered the apartment through a window.
The interior of the place looked worse than the exterior. There were beer bottles everywhere, magazines and papers thrown all over the floor. The couch had a huge rip in it and the place smelt terrible.
Sitting on a chair next to the torn couch was an old man, he had a beer in his hand and looked like he hadn't moved in weeks.
I walked up to the man just to see if he was alive. As soon as I walked into his field of view his body jumped and he turned his head directly at me.

"Who's there? Who are ya? Answer me!" He said.

"I'm Robin." I replied.

"Robin? The bats little brat. What are you doing breaking into my house. If it's money you want the other guy took the last of what I have."

"I don't want money." I said. "I'm here to talk to you about Katie."

"Katie! That little... Bitch. What has she done? Is she in prison? Serves her right for leaving me. She's a cold hearted girl that one. Broke her own fathers arm."

"Don't You DARE Say That About Her!" I said angrily.

"Why not. She's my daughter I can say what I want about her. I might have to kill her if I ever see her again though."

"Oh. Well you won't have to. She's Already DEAD!"

His eyes widened and he stared at me.

"What?" He said in disbelief.

"She's gone. Died when Wayne Tower collapsed."

He didn't say a word. He just sat there with his wide eyes and his open mouth.

"But listen. I know how to bring her back." I said walking up to him. "I need a small blue stone. Looks like a lapis."

"She's gone. She's really gone."

"No. I can bring her back. I just need that gem."

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