Chapter 31

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My eyes opened. I was in some kind of rocky room.
The Batcave? I thought.
But no as I painfully leaned forward I saw that I was in some kind of med bay with steel walls and a rocky ceiling.
I then looked at my clothing. Someone had changed me into a hospital gurney. My hands quickly went up to my face.
Ok good. Mask is still on, and I hope it stayed on while I was unconscious. I then noticed that my hands were bandaged, so were my legs, and body and almost everything except my face and a few little spots.
The door then opened and Robin walked in.

"Oce. Your awake." He said with a smile.

He walked over and sat on the end of the bed.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"Alright," I faintly said. I tried to say it louder again but it came out just as weak. I must be more injured than I thought.

"Hey. Don't push your limits. If you can't talk. Don't."

I didn't understand. Had Robin not said that he hates me. That he doesn't want to be around me. That he can't trust me anymore. Why is he taking care of me? Why did he come save me?

"Robin" I faintly spoke again. "Why did you save me if you thought I was a filthy criminal. I thought you said you never wanted to see me again."

Robins face went from smiling and happy to sadness and regret.  He looked away from me to the door then to the ground.

"Because I was a stupid idiot." He said turning back to me. "Batman ordered me not to be anywhere near you. Not to even looked at you unless I have to stop you from committing a crime. He said he'd take away the Robin suit if I didn't.  And I'm an idiot because I thought Robin was more important than you."

"So. Do you still like me?" I asked.

"Of course I do Oce. You're my girl. If you'll have me back that is."

"But I'm not the only one am I. You said you met someone else."

"Yeah. I did say that. But I had a reason. I thought if you knew I had another girl than you wouldn't want to be around me so it would be easier for me to avoid you. I know. Stupid."

"So is there another girl?"

"No Oce. You're the only girl"
He said leaning in towards me, but he then leaned back again. "Um. I don't think you're fit enough for a hug. You do have burns all up your body."

He was right. I could hardly move. A hug would probably kill me.
I then suddenly remembered my mother and brother.

"Robin!" I exclaimed, but it came out sounding like nothing. "Did you get my captors?"

"No. We didn't. I'm sorry. One of them woke up and blew the boxes you were on. In the confusion he grabbed the woman and disappeared. The team and I worked on digging you out of the burning wood pile."

"Oh no. Robin. My mother is plan..."

"Mother!" Robin exclaimed. "I thought you said she was dead."

"She was dead. But now she's back and sent my brother to kill me."


"Yeah he's the one who kidnapped me. Wears a skull mask."

"You're brother's Skull"

"Yeah. But listen Robin. My mom. She's planning on destroying all of Gotham city."

"Hang on." Robin said rubbing his hair. "This is to much at one time. Start from the start."

I told Robin everything. From the car crash to my mother killing black masks crew. To the league of assassins. I went all the way to the very end when I got blown up. I made sure to leave out details that would lead to me being Katie Simmons though. I don't know why but I didn't want Robin to know who I was. While I was telling the story Robin was just sitting down and nodding his head every now and then.

"Ok" he said when I had finished. "So you're mother didn't die. She was an assassin for the league. You thought she died in the car crash. But no she didn't and she's been and an assassin all these years. And now she's going to blow up Gotham."

I nodded.

"Alright. We are gonna need help on this one. I'll tell the team and batman. Surely he will tell the League. And we can stop her." Said Robin.

"How? We don't know where or when she's gonna do it."

"Yeah I know. We'll figure it out Oce. I'm sure it will all end fine." He said looking at my face. "Hey you're face isn't looking to good." He said studying it.

"Thanks. That's just what a girl wants to hear." I said.

"Don't worry. We have an ointment that should heal it." He said getting up and started searching through cupboards and stuff.

"Um Robin. Shouldn't we be. Oh I don't know. Planning to stop this attack from happening."

"Yeah. But we can't plan when you'll be whining that you're face hurts later." He said closing the cupboards and walking back to me.

"Oh come on. My face can't be that bad."

Robin put a mirror up to show me. Oh god. I looked terrible. My face was cracking and had burns and scars.

"Give me the ointment. NOW!" I yelled.

"Ok. Ok." Robin said taking off his glove and putting some of the cream on his fingers.

He rubbed the ointment across my forehead.

"Agh" I grunted as he went over a burn.

"Sorry," he said. "But it's the only way to heal it."

"I know. Just stings a little. That's all"

He continued applying the cream. He moved down to my cheek, then my chin, then my other cheek, then across my nose and finally back to my forehead. I don't know why. But I loved the feeling I was getting when he was doing it. Maybe it was because I was just staring in his pretty face. Or because his hand was pretty much stroking my face. Or because he was caring for me so much that he is even rubbing ointment on me. But I never know. He could just be doing this so he can touch me like a pervert.

"Ok. That should be better now." He said.


He walked over and washed his hands in the sink.

"Ok. You wait here. I've got to go report to the team that you're ok, that you'll be staying here a few more nights and all of the stuff about your family being murderous assassins. They may not like that bit" he said. "Ok stay here. Rest. I'll be back soon."

And at that Robin left. Leaving me to my thoughts.

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