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Hi Im Emma Swan and not to long ago I had found my birth parents and they official made me theirs. No more moving around just in time too. Im now 16 years old and have found my forever home with my real parents. Mary-Margaret and David Nolan. If you ask me they same to resemble Snow White and Prince Charming, but fairy tails arnt real. Tomorrow is my first day and its already a month into Junior year and the school Im going to is Storybrooke High. Im super nervous but at the same time excited because I might actually make forever friends. Its not going to be to hard, but then again Im not the one for making friends. I never really tried but that was because of knowing I would leave.

"Emma dear lights out you have school in the morning." Mary-Margaret says.

"Alright. GoodNight Mary-Margaret." I say.

She shuts off light as I climb into bed. I stare up at the ceiling hoping tomorrow will be a great day. 

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

My alarm went off. I got out of bed slowly. Today was the day. I was going to start a new school. I just hope these people like me.

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