Chapter 8

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Emma's POV

~2years ago~

I walked along the streets of Boston with my best friend Lily. She was complaining about the system as usual. She said as soon as she was out she will never go back and when I get out to find her.

"Emma? Are you even listening to me?" She asks.


"I know sweet Emma it hurts now but it wont always be this way." She says.

My boyfriend had just left me after I told him that we were expecting. I am now 3months along and dont know what to do. Lily has been the best and she has been helping me.

"Em my dear your going to be fine. This baby will be fine. You can keep it if you want or not its up to you. Whatever you decided I'll back you up okay." She says.

"Thanks Lily."

Not to long after I had the baby I was sent away far away for the baby and Lily. One day I will see Lily again but not my child and I have my reasons.

~Modern Time~

Killian's POV

I woke up early in the morning just one week till school is back and this Monday  was actually not going to suck. Emma and I always meet at the docks and talk for hours then we had to Granny's for food and to meet with everyone else. Emma makes me happy. She and I might not be a couple but she is special to me. I've never felt this way about anyone ever. Emma is the only one. I walked to the docks and saw her sitting there and she seemed to be lost in a thought. She looked as if se was about to cry. Emma didnt cry much unless it was something that truly hurt her or if she hurt someone else. I walk over to her and hugged her at first she seemed frighten but once she knew it was me she gave in and hugged back. She started to cry and I held her closer to me.

"Emma whats the matter?"

"Life sucks Killian." She says.

"I know Em. I know. Just let it out."

She cried harder on my shoulder. I got up and grabbed her hand and walked her over to the ship. We walked below deck and sat there in silence.

"He hurt me Killian." She says breaking the silence.


"The guy that knocked me up." She says.

"Emma its okay Im here."

"He left me when I told him. I thought he loved me, but thats what I get for trusting people." She says crying even more.

"Emma that guy wasnt right to leave you alone, but if be hadnt would you have found your family?"

"No. I wont have. After all the pain I looked them up and got ahold of them and they took me back." She says.

"See things happen for a reason. The reason for him to leave was to bring you your family. Now look at you, you got a family that loves you, great friends, and an amazingly handsome Killian in your life."

"Amazingly handsome Killian? Really?" She questions.

"See Im under both great friends but I am also amazingly handsome Killian."

She laughs at me. I knew saying something silly would put a smile on her beautiful face. She walked over to me and hugged me tight.

"Thank you Killian. What would I do without you?" She says.

"Well without me you wouldnt have a handsome Killian in you life."

"Shut up." She says and playful pushes me.

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