Chapter 30

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Robin's POV

I was with Regina and we were hanging out in the forest and got a phone call.

~Phone Call~

Robin: Hello

Person: Yes is this Robin Locksley?

Robin: Yes this is him.

Person: We were wondering if you could come early to school we have an opening.

Robin: Yes of course. Thank you.

~End Phone Call~

I turned to Regina and smiled at her and she looked at me and kissed me. I then frowned and so did she.

"Who was on the phone?" Regina asks.

"The man from UCLA they have an early opening and I can have the spot."

"Oh are you going to take it?" She asks me.

"Yeah I am."

"Robin thats great." She says trying not to cry.

"No matter what happens Regina I will always love you."

"I will always love you too Robin." She says crying.

I kissed her and she walked away. I was losing the girl I love, but it was for college. I went home and started packing and all I can think of was Regina. Its been a week and she still hasnt really talked to me. All she does is just hug me and say goodbye over and over again. Tomorrow Im leaving so I have one night left with Regina. I picked her up and put her on the bed and kissed her and kissed her. The next morning I kissed her head and said goodbye. I had a cab waiting and my friends all there.

"Ok looks like its my turn to say goodbye to all of you."

"Well Robin have fun." Neal says.

"Thanks Neal."

"I know your leaving and Regina is probably crying, but I will watch her for you." Zelena says.

"Thank you Zelena it means alot."

"Robin its been a crazy ride, but Im glad you and I actually became friends." Killian says.

"Yeah same. Its been real."

"Well goodybye Robin Im going to really miss you. August is gone, Belle left, now my last first friend is going. Im going to miss you." Emma says hugging me.

"Im going to miss you too Em."

I walked over to the cab and put my things in the back.

"Robin! Wait!" I heard Regina yell.


"I came to say goodbye to you." She says.

"Im happy you came."

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too."

I leaned in and kissed her.

"Bye Robin." She says.


I kissed her one last time and got into the cab and it drove away.

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