Chapter 29

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Neal's POV

Its been a week since Belle left and my dad was a mess. I have tried everything to help him, but nothing worked. I know that in just a few months I will be leaving with Zelena and things are going to get crazy. I walked into the school and saw Robin outside alone.

"Hey man whats up?"

"August and Lily might leave." He tells me.

"What why?"

"Well August actually has enough credits to leave now." He says.

"That didnt answer my why?"

"Lily got excepted to law school in Boston and August wants to go with her and help with Henry." He says.

"And you dont want to loss your best friend?"

"Well yeah." He says.

"Robin its time for you to let him go. Your already going to have to say goodbye to Regina one day, but now its time to say goodbye to August."

"Your right. So how is your dad?" He asks.

"Missing Belle, but its only been on week he should be better soon. Maybe. I hope."

August's POV

"So you really want to do this?" Lily asks.

"Yes I do. I wanna be with you."

"August your going to throw away your life for me." Lily says.

"I have no life. It was nothing before you."

"Well if your sure then we leave in 2weeks." She says.

I walked over to Grannys and saw Robin. I walked over to him and stop him.

"Robin Im going with Lily in two weeks. I know this is hard for you, but please dont be mad."

"August Im not mad. Im happy for you really. You were this huge flirt and now actually settled down with one." He says.

"I will miss your stupidness."

"I pretty sure your the stupid one." He says.

"No thats you."

"No its you." He says.

"Well I better tell my dad."

"I hope it goes well." He says.

"Just so you know when I leave he will let you and Killian stay until you guys are ready to leave."

"I know he told us that when you told him you were thinking about leaving with Lily." He tells me.

I walked over to my dads shop and walked in.


"Yes August over here." He says.

"Need help?"

"No thats okay. So whats up?" He asks.

"I have decided on what Im doing."

"And your going with Lily." He says.

"Yeah I am and I dont want you to be mad."

"Mad? August never. Your my boy and thats all that matters. I want you to follow your heart." He tells me.

"I promise I will visit."

"Even if you dont visit that much you will always be my boy." He says.

I was walking back to Grannys bed and breakfast to go to Lilys room, but I took in every place and remembered my life here. I was going to miss it, but Im happy now. It was now two weeks later and time to say our goodbyes.

"Well we are going now." Lily says.

"Have fun and do good." Emma says hugging her and then me.

"Thanks Em."

"Hey August you dont mess this up." Killian jokes.

"You never know."

"Hey goodbye and good luck." Neal says.

"Yeah be safe." Zelena says.

"Thanks you two."

"Hey this wonderful your finally leaving, but I think I might miss you." Regina jokes.

"Same to you Mills."

Lily put Henry in the car and got in herself.

"Son, you dont have to rush home when your upset. Your going to be fine." My dad says.

"Thanks dad. Wheres Robin?"

"I dont know?" He says.

"Regina do you know?"

"No last I saw him was yesterday." She says.

"Well I guess I should go then."

"Not with out a goodbye from me." I heard Robin says.

"Your late."

"When have I even been on time." He says.

"Im going to miss you."

"I know and Im going to miss you too. I late because I had to get this." He says holding up a frame.

"Is this the frame I made when we were 10?"

"Yeah I got it from Mr.Golds shop. I remembered how much it meant to you after your mom died." He says.

"Thank you Robin."

"Your Welcome August. Now go your new life is waiting for you." He says.

I gave him a quick hug and walked into the car. I looked back and waved goodbye and was ready to start a new life.

A/N: Ok so I know everyone is starting to leave, but dont worry this isnt then end of seeing them again. Just thought you all should know.

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