Chapter 15

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Killian's POV

I woke up with Emma in my arms and her head on my chest. She is was having a nightmare and asked me to stay. This girl was very special to me. I looked at her sleeping she was so beautiful. I kissed the top of her head and she looked up at me.

"Morning." She says all sleepy.

"Morning Love want anything for breakfast?"

"Not right now. I dont want to get up. Im to comfortable here." She says snuggling deeper in my chest.

I laughed at her and she looked up at me and smiled. I loved this girl. Tell her Killian! Tell her! But for some reason I cant. She was going to tell me something but she was cut off. She was probably going to say that she is happy that I helped her.

"So Em before we got interrupted you were  going to tell me something. Do you remember?"

"Yeah I do remember and it was I just wanted to thank you for protecting me." She says.

"Anytime you know I will protect you Swan."

"I know." She says.

She started to get up and frown. I looked at her and hugged her around her waist and kissed her shoulder.

"Anything you need me for I will always be there."

"Thanks Killian." She says hugging me.

Emma's POV

I let Killian go and got into the shower. I could still feel his strong arms wrapped around my body. I can still feel his kiss on my shoulder. Why didnt I just tell him? Oh thats right because Im afraid. A month had passed and I finally got a call from David that Arthur was gone and he can never bother me or anyone again. My friends and I made a deal that we were going to tell our parents that the girls stayed in one room and the guys in another. Even through they all stay with each other across the street from Killian and I who were alone together. Ever though we did nothing it wouldnt stop David from assuming me did. Once I got home it was dark I entered the house and my mom and dad hugged me.

"Im glad you okay Emma." My mom says.

"Yeah me too."

"So that boy is gone and not a problem, but there is another issue." My dad says.

"Whats that?"

"Killian Jones." He says.

"We are just friends."

"Emma no need to get mad." My mom says placing her hand on my arm.

"Sorry its just..."

I ran upstairs crying. They followed me up. I knew the knock on the door was them. They walked in slowly.

"Emma did he do something?" My dad asks me.


"Emma then what is it you can tell us anything." My mom reassures me.

"Its hard to explain."

"Emma please Im your mother." She says.

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