Chapter 24

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Warning some sexually content may apply. Read at your own risk.

Killian's POV

I looked at Emma she was lost in her own thought. Everyone was watching us and talking. It was really starting to piss me off. I heard some random guy say something and I lost it. I got up and grab him by his shirt.

"Shut up. If another words comes out of your mouth Im going to hurt you very bad."

He gave me a very dirty look. Thats it Im going to hit him. I raised my fist and was about to punch him. I felt someone touch my shoulder and when I looked back it was Emma.

"Killian stop." She says.

I looked her in her eyes and put my arm down.

"Sorry Love."

"Come on lets go." She says dragging me out.

We walked to my ship and she sat on the steps and gave me a pissed off look.

"Im sorry Love. He was talking shit."

"Killian I dont care what he was doing. I dont want you fighting." She says.

"I know Swan. Im sorry if I scared you."

"You didnt scare me. I just want you to get hurt. I dont want to have to go through you hurt anymore." She tells me.

"Emma I could have taken him."

"Killian!" She yells.

"Okay fine. No fights."

"Thank you." She says.

"Hey look its Killian." Some girl says.

"You look hot today." Another adds.

"Umm thank you."

"Maybe you could leave her and come hang with us?" One asks me.

"We could have fun." The other one says touching my arm.

"Ok thats it." I heard Emma say.

She got of the steps and punches them both in the face.

"Ow." They both said walking away.

"Next time think before flirting with my boyfriend." Emma yells.

"Damn Swan that was hot."

"Well your mine and only mine." She says leading me on to the ship.

"I love you."

"Well then come on." She says and pulls me into the room and shuts the door.

Regina's POV

Robin was pissing me off lately all this College talk was bumming me out. I dont want to loose him, but maybe he doesnt want me.

"Regina! Hey!" Zelena yells.


"Nothing your letter from Yale came in." She says handing me the letter.

"Open for me I cant." 

"Regina Mills.... Your going to Yale!" She screams.

"Oh my god."

I took the letter from her and read it. This is crazy Yale is my dream school.

"You going to tell Robin?" She asks.

"I dont know its like lately we arnt on the same page."

"Yeah because he got excepted to his College and didnt know what to do." She tells me.

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