Chapter 21

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Killian's POV

"Oh Killian." Emma moans on my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you more." She says bitting down on my lip.

We stop what we were doing because we heard very familiar voices. Emma quickly got off me and ran to the bathroom. I fixed myself and pretended to sleep.

"Killian wake up." I heard Regina say.

I slowly move like Im waking up. I slowly open my eyes and saw them.

"He's alive." August says.

"Yeah just barely."

"Where's Emma?" Robin asks.

"Maybe in the bathroom."

Regina walked to the bathroom door and knocked on it.

"Emma?" She questions.

"Yeah." She answered back.

"Come out here." She tells her.

"Give me a minute." Emma replies.

"So how long have you been awake before sleeping again?" Belle asks.

"Oh maybe like and hour or so."

Emma got out of the bathroom she put her hair one her neck so they wont see.

"Hey everyone." She says.

"Hey Em."

"So do you know when your out of this place?" August asks.

"They said maybe tomorrow or the day after."

"Thats great. Just so you know we missed you." Regina says.

"Aww really?"

"Emma isnt the only one that loves you." Belle says.

"Thanks guys."

I looked at Emma whos playing with her hair. She doesnt really like her hair on her neck.

"Hey Killian Im going home to change I'll be right back." Emma tells me.

"Yeah okay see you then."

She came over to me and hugged me. I kissed the top of her head and she left the room.

"Anyway Killian you going to tell us what happened?" Regina asks.

"Yeah the Arthur guy came out of know where when I was walking through the woods to meet up with Robin and August and the next thing I know he took me away. The kept me in a dark room for a few day and then they dragged me to the woods. Then he was stabbing me in the lower stomach."

"What an ass." Robin says.

"So is David going to do something about it?" Belle asks.

"Yeah I think so."

"Good people like that should be doing this." August says.

"I know my mom tried to kill Robin, but I thought wouldnt tell me it was really true. I dont know why she would, but it scares me to think she would do it again or do it to Neal. Our mother is just set to destroy the happiness Zelena and I have." Regina tells us.

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