Chapter 19

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Killian's POV

I woke up on my ship and looked to my side where Emma was. The thoughts of our night played in my mind. Emma was still asleep and we had school, but I texted Robin telling him to make excuses for us. I looked down at her a smiled. I kissed the top of her head.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She says back.

She sat up and looked at the time and started freaking out. I pulled her into my chest and held her tight.

"Em its okay. We arent going to school today. Robin is taking care of it for us."

"Okay." She says nervously.

"Emma your okay just lat back down on me."

She looked at me and laughed. She got up and grabs her clothes. When she came back in I looked at her. She was giving me a weird look. Then she moves her hair off her neck.

"Really?" She says.


"My neck looks like I was devoured by and animal." She says.

"Well in away you were."

"Yeah an animal named Killian Jones." She says.

"And Im damn proud of it."

"At least Im not the only one." She says.

I got up and took my clothes to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I saw what she meant. I got dressed and went back to the room.

"Your a beat Swan."

"And Im damn proud of it." She mocks.

"You should be. No girl has ever left a mark on me."

"Well then Jones theres a first time for everything." She says coming up to me.

She put her arms around my neck. I grab her waist and hold her close. I kiss her lips sweetly and make my way over to her neck. I gently and softly kiss the bruises I made.

"Im sorry Swan."

"Its okay I dont mind." She says.

I look up at her and kissed her. I knew from the moment I saw her that I loved her. And after a year of being around her she was finally mine.

"Well are we able to leave the ship with these."

"Yeah we are, but I dont think my dad will approve." She says reaching in her bag.

She grabs out some make up and puts it on my neck. Once she was done she handed it to me. I put it on the bruises and each time I touched her she would through her head back. I laughed at her I knew it was because my touch would send a shiver up her spine. Once I was done I gave it back to her. She pushed me on the bed and sat on my lap.

"Swan what are you doing?"

"Just making sure that Im the only girl for you." She says.

"Emma you are everything to me. I love you."

"Then promise me." She says.

"Promise you what?"

"This weekend we do that again." She says.

"Anytime you need me Swan just let me know."

She kissed me roughly enough to make a slight moan slip from my lips. She giggled and got off. I took her hand and we walked off the ship.

"Well you two dont look sick." Regina says stopping us. 

"We just stayed up late last night and over slept." Emma says.

"Sure.. Thats what happened. Anyway Jones I would like to borrow your girlfriend for awhile." She says.

"As long as you bring her back."

"We shall see." She says.

I kissed her one more time and walked away.

Regina's POV

I saw Emma smile and giggle as Killian walked away.

"You guy totally slept together."

"Did not." She lied.

"Yeah okay. Psycho girl who wants Killian comes back and you climb on his lap at school and kiss him and then you dont come to school the next day. Yeah you "Didnt" sleep together."

"Fine we did and I must say I almost got him again this morning." She says.

"Wow I didnt need to know that."

"Hey your the one that got it out of me. Anyway whats up?" She asks.


"What about him?" She asks me.

"He and I you know are close, but not Killian and you close."

"So you and Robin never?" She questions.

"No we have, but that was like a week before his accident and its been a month since he has touched me."

"Regina he just probably still shaken with touching you considering your mother tried to kill him." She points out.

"So what should I do?"

"Well if I were you just do like I did with Killian. Climb on his lap and get him to take control from there." She says.

"Good idea so you wanna go bug Killian and Robin?"

"Sure lead the way." She says.

"To the forest we go."

Emma's POV

Regina and I walked to where Robin and the boys always hung out. I saw Killian and Robin sitting on a log.

"Wanna tackle them?"

"Like just run up behind them and jump on them?" Regina asks.


We ran up quietly and jumped on their backs making the jump up. I kissed the side of Killian's head while on his back. I jumped off and he just gave me a dirty look.

"Not funny Swan." He says.

"It was very funny."

"Regina jump down." Robin says trying to get her off.

"No. I dont wanna stand just hold me." She says.

"Fine you little baby." He says and kisses her.

"You both cant be mad at me. It was Emma's idea." Regina says.

"Emma that not nice to scare people." Robin says.

"It may not be nice, but it was funny and so were your reactions."

"Oh you think its funny Swan." Killian says.

I looked at him and he had a look on his face as if he was going to get me. I started to run away. Not even an min later he had me. I turned around and kissed him.

"You love me."

"Well duh." He jokes and kisses me again.

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