Chapter 6

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Killian's POV

After I walked back to my home or ship and think about Emma. Neal was out of line to hurt Emma. I wanted to just beat him to death. Tomorrow I am going to take Emma to school. Just the thought of her makes me smile. I cant believe she kissed my cheek. Why didnt I just pull her back and kissed her. In the morning I get up and get dressed and walk over to Emma's. I knock on the door and Sheriff Nolan answered.

"Killian Jones, what brings you here?" He asks.

"I actually here to take Emma to school."

"Oh then come on in." He says.

I walk in and sit on the couch as he watched me from the kitchen. The last time I saw him he arrested me and my friends.

"So Mr.Nolan how have you been?"

"Look Jones I dont like you and Emma isnt something you cant take advantage of." He tells me.

"No. No. No. Emma is my friend and Im sure she will keep me out of trouble."

"Killian, hey ready to go." Emma says.


Emma's POV

I heard Killian downstairs and David giving him a hard time. I walked down and Killian and I left. When we got outside the school I stopped.

"I guess this is where you leave?"

"Emma I know at school I push you and the others away but after what happened to you this weekend I dont think I can do that anymore." He tells me.

"Ok then shall we Killian?"

He holds out his arm and I take it. We walk in an everyone stops and stares at us. Robin, Regina, Belle, and August came over to us.

"Welcome to the light Killian." Regina says.

"Nice isnt so bad uh." Robin says.

"I guess not." He says.

"So did you get the photos?" Belle asks.

"Yeah and they are gone and destroyed." He tells her.

"What happened to your eye?" August asks.

I looked up at him and smiled after that he didnt seem so nervous.

"Killian! Bro what are you doing?" Someone asks from behind us.

"Neal?" Killian says turning around.

"Hey man, why are you with them and why is your arm with Emma's?" He asks.

"Well they are my friends and Emma is still alittle shaking after what you all did to her." Killian says.

"I have no idea what your talking about?" Neal says.

Killian let me go and then pushed Neal up against the lockers.

"If you ever do that to her again I will end you. Do you understand?" Killian threatens.

Killian looks super mad and like he would really hurt him.

"Killian let him go. Please."

Killian looked at me and let Neal go.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you love." He says.

He took my hand in his and we walked away. I blushed and looked at our hands and smiled at our fingers intertwined together. We stopped at my locker and he seemed tensed.

"Uhh Killian are you okay?"

"Yeah just fine." He says not looking at me.

"Hey its okay. Im okay, just calm down." I say taking her face into my other hand.

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