Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

What has my life come to. Today was the weirdest day of my life. Like Killian and Regina were acting different. They were being nice. I had invited Robin over to tell him because Belle already knew and I wanted to know if they were being nice to him too.

Killian's POV

I watch across the street thinking if I should just go knock on Emma's door and to my surprise Robin shows up at her house. My heart was racing with jealousy and I just want to punch him in the face. Actually I might. I was about to walk over when I was stopped. I look over and saw Regina she seemed pissed to.

Emma's POV

"Robin welcome." I hear Mary-Margaret say.

I walk downstairs and see him. I walk past him and we go sit outside.

"So Emma you said your day was weird?" He asks.

"Yeah it was I told Belle and she said to talk to you."

"Funny I told August about my weird day and he said to talk to you, but knowing them they talked to each other first." He says.

"True well my day involved a SWEET Killian and a NICE Regina."

"Ok thats weird. I got a SWEET Regina and a NICE Killian." He tells me.

"Ok now thats weird. Do you think they are planing something?"

"Now that I think about it yeah, but anyway tell me your day." He says.

~FlashBack Earlier Today~

The day started out the same except no rude comments from Regina and no run ins with Killian Jones. At my locker I was waiting for Belle when someone behind me cleared their throat.

"Swan." The voice said.

I knew that voice anyway. That voice was so perfect. I had to shake off this thought he was here to bug me. I turn to face him.


"Hey I just wanted to say Hi and that you look lovely on this beautiful Monday morning." He says.


"Do I make you nervous Emma?" He asks stroking my cheek.

"No more like uncomfortable."

"Im not trying to be mean. Im trying to be nice. Why cant you do the same?" He asks.

"Look your never nice to me. I dont know why your being so nice right now but whatever mean thing you have to say just say it."

"Jeez Im sorry for talking to you. Have a nice day Swan." He says leaving me.

~end of flashback~

Robin's POV

"So that was just the Killian thing. What was your Regina encounter?" She asks.

"Oh that was interesting."

~FlashBack to school~

I had to watch August get his flirt on with all the girl at my locker. It was just disturbing. I gave him a look and he just walked away with them. I open my locker when someone taps on my shoulder. I turned around shocked at who it was.


"Hi Robin how is your morning going?" She asks.

"Uhh fine thanks."

"Thats good. Im glad your day is starting off well." She says.

"If you want me to do your homework the answer is no."

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