Chapter 25

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August's POV

Everyday for the last few weeks everyone else had their own problems and I was a supporting player. Today I was going to meet up with Lily and have a talk. I know what this is about she is leaving me. I cant blame her Im not the guy meant for someone like her. I walk out of my room and saw Lily at the pond with Henry.


"Hey." She says.

"How are you?"

"Im fine." She lied.

"Lily whats the matter?"

"Remember what I said about Henry?" She asks.

"Yeah I remember. You want Emma to take him, but you also dont want to let him go."

"Yeah well what if she doesnt want him and one day he leaves to find her or what if she wants him and doesnt let me see him." She says crying.

"Lily its okay. Emma would never keep him from you if she keeps him you know that. As for if she doesnt and he goes to find her why dont you let him know who his mother is and let him see her every now and then so he wont run away."

"I just want whats best for him. Maybe adopting him was a mistake." She says.

"Lily do you love Henry?"

"Yeah." She says softly.

"Would you love it if he was with his mom?"

"Yeah I would." She says.

"Would you mind if you got to keep him, but Emma got to see him?"

"No I wont mind." She says smiling.

"See so what ever happens you will be happy."

"Your right. Thank you." She says kissing my cheek.

"Wanna go get something to eat?"


She picks up Henry and we take him to Grannys. I watch Lily with Henry and cant help but think that I love her. I have never felt this way before. Oh my god. Im in love with this girl.

Neal's POV

I woke up in my bed at noon thats a normal time for me on the weekend. I got up and got changed and went out for my walk. I saw my dad and Belle at his shop. It was weird that she is my age, but whatever. I saw August and Lily in the diner and August looked happy with her Im glad. I walked into the Sheriff station.

"Neal what brings you by?" Sheriff Nolan asks.

"I was wondering I you know if Cora is anywhere in here?"

"Neal she is locked up for a reason. Why do you want to know?" He asks.

"Just to make sure she isnt around."

"Just so your safe right?" He asks.

"Yeah and so Zelena is as a well."

"Well she isnt going to hurt anyone again." He reassures me.

I walked out and saw Zelena talking to some guy.


"Neal come here!" She yells.

I walked over to her and saw this guy he was taller and older the me.

"Whats up."

"I would like you to meet my friend Merlin." She says.

"Like the sorcerer?"

"Yeah my mom loved the Legend of King Arthur." He says.

"Well I will catch you later Neal. I promised Merlin here I would take him to see the town." She says.

"Yeah okay see you later."

They walked away and I went the the forest and punched a tree.

Belle's POV

I was with Rumple in the shop everything was changing.

"Hey Belle look at me." He says.


"Everything is going to be okay." He tells me.

"Rumple Im just scared."

"I know, but everything is going to work out trust me." He says.

"I just need some air."

My life was changing and I love it, but Im really scared. Rumple has no idea how scared this is for a teenager. I do love him, but Im just frighten.

Robin's POV

Regina and I watched Emma and Killian leave and it was funny. I just know that I will have to preserve this time I have with her.

Killian's POV

I walked Emma home and went inside with her. We saw her mom sitting on the couch. She saw Emma and smiled.

"Emma come here." She says.

"Whats up mom? Emma asks.

"I would like to tell you something." She says.

"What is it?" Emma asks.

"I just want you to know that your father and I love you, but I have news." She tells her.

"What?" Emma asks.

"Im pregnant." She says.

"Congrats mom." Emma says hugging her mom.

"Well Im going to go and leave you too alone." She says walking out.

"So Swan I have to ask, but what are you going to do with this whole Henry thing?"

"I still dont know." She says.

"Emma I know you and you do know what you want just tell me."

"Okay I think I might want him." She says frowning.

"Thats great, but how are you sad?"

"Look at me I cant be a mother." She says.

"Emma why dont you just let Lily keep him and when he gets older tell him. Im sure then he will understand."

"You know what your right." She says.

"I know."

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